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Transcriptional profiling of Bacillus subtilis in response to salt- and chill-stress
DNA-Array experiments provide a comprehensive overview of the transcriptional response of microorganisms to a given growth condition on a genome-wide scale. In close cooperation with Prof. Dr. Uwe Völker ( Functional Genomics Laboratory; University Greifswald; Germany), we carried out transcriptional profiling of Bacillus subtilis cells that were subjected either to continued growth at high salinity (1.2 M NaCl), or continued growth at low temperature (15°C). These experiments not only provide an overview of the actual transcriptional response of Bacillus subtilis to environmental challenges but also identify specific genes that might be chosen for further in-depth molecular und physiological studies.

This picture was kindly prepared and provided by Dr. Leif Steil (University of Marburg and Greifswald). It shows an example of DNA Array-Data from experiments where Bacillus subtilis was subjected to high salinity (1.2 M NaCl) stress.
Steil L, Hoffmann T, Budde I, Völker U, Bremer E. (2003)
Genome-wide transcriptional profiling analysis of adaptation of Bacillus subtilis to high salinity. J Bacteriol. 185:6358-6370.
Dataset for salt-stressed Bacillus subtils cells:
Budde I, Steil L, Scharf C, Völker U, Bremer E. (2006)
Adaptation of Bacillus subtilis to growth at low temperature: a combined transcriptomic and proteomic appraisal. Microbiology 152:831-853.
Dataset for chill-stressed Bacillus subtils cells: