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Current team

Portrait Anke Becker
Photo: Rolf K. Wegst

Prof. Dr. Anke Becker
Phone: +49-6421 28 244 51
Fax: +49-6421 28 22229


Portrait Bettina Happel
Photo: Regina Gerlach-Rhiel

Bettina Happel
Phone: +49-6421 28 222 24
Fax: +49-6421 28 22229

Photo: R. Zülch

Dr. Javier Serrania
Scientific lab manager
Phone: +49-6421 28 244 52
Fax: +49-6421 28 22229

Portrait Patrick Manz
Photo: Rolf K. Wegst

Patrick Manz
Biomedical Engineer
Phone: +49-6421 28 223 16
Fax: +49-6421 28 22229

Photo: R. Zülch

Dr. Tamara Hoffmann
Senior staff researcher
Phone: +49-6421 28 215 30

Portrait Liza Krol
Photo: Elizaveta Krol

Dr. Elizaveta Krol
Senior staff researcher
Phone: +49-6421 28 244 45

Portrait Doreen Meier
Photo: Doreen Meier

Dr. Doreen Meier
Project Coordinator TreeM
Phone: +49-6421 28 222 23

Photo: R. Zülch
Dr. Eslam Elsayed
Postdoctoral associate
Phone:+49-6421 28 233 38

Photo of Sofia Erdozain
Photo: Private
Dr. Sofia Erdozain-Bagolin
Postdoctoral Associate
Phone: +49-6421 28 222 23

Portrait Christian Rauch
Photo: Christian Rauch
Christian Rauch
doctoral student
Phone: +49-6421 28 244 39

Photo: R. Zülch
Alexander Zülch
doctoral student
Phone: +49-6421 28 244 39

Photo: R. Zülch
Fiona Ullmann
doctoral student
Phone: +49-6421 28 222 23

Photo: J.Leber
Jacqueline Leber
doctoral student
Phone: +49-6421 28 244 39  

Portrait Bernadette Boomers
Photo: Andreas Kautz

Bernadette Boomers
Technical assistant
Phone: +49-6421 28 244 47

Portrait Jutta Gade
Photo: Jutta Gade

Jutta Gade
Technical assistant
Phone: +49-6421 28 244 39

Photo: R.Zülch

Andreas Kautz
Technical assistant
Phone: +49-6421 28 244 46

Portrait Bertram Kraus
Photo: Bertram Kraus

Bertram Kraus
Laboratory assistant
Phone: +49-6421 28 244 41



Sara Gilles, Master Student

Felix Kruckow, Master Student

Tim Mrotzek, Master Student

Hannah Becker, Master Student

Jim Sternkopf, Bachelor Student

Helene Siewe, Bachelor Student

Kevin Hnoupek, Bachelor Student

Becker Lab in December 2023

Group picture of 2023