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Infrastructure and resources
Screening and Automation Technologies (SAT) Facility
The lab hosts a core facility supporting:
- Laboratory automation
- Automated microscopy
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Cultivation of microbes and plants


Dr. Javier Serrania
Phone: +49-6421 28 24452
Fax: +49-6421 28 22229
Mutant libraries
Signature-tagged transposon mutants
A set of 412 sequence-barcoded miniTn5 transposons was generated. Each transposon contains two individual 24 bp barcode sequences flanked by invariant regions that serve as primer sites for PCR amplification.
This set of transposons was used to generate a signature-tagged mutant (STM) library in Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm2011. This library consists of 30 mutant sets. These mutant sets can be applied for competition experiments. About 9000 individual mutants with sequenced insertion sites are available upon request.
Download the list of available mTn5-STM S. meliloti 2011 mutants.
View mapped transposon insertion sites in the GenDB genome browser (select S. meliloti replicon from the list of contigs in the GenDB genome browser).
Check out procedure for mutant requests
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Pobigaylo N, Wetter D, Szymczak S, Schiller U, Kurtz S, Meyer F, Nattkemper TW, Becker A (2006) Construction of a large sequence signature-tagged miniTn5 transposon library and its application to mutagenesis of Sinorhizobium meliloti. Appl Environ Microbiol 72:4329-4337
Pobigaylo N, Szymczak S, Nattkemper TW, Becker A (2008) Identification of genes relevant to symbiosis and competitiveness in Sinorhizobium meliloti using signature-tagged mutants. Mol Plant-Microbe Interact 21: 219-231.
Serrania J, Johner T, Rupp O, Goesmann A, Becker A (2017) Massive parallel insertion site sequencing of an arrayed Sinorhizobium meliloti signature-tagged mini-Tn5 transposon mutant library. J Biotechnol 257:9-12
Plasmid integration mutants
Internal fragments of the protein-coding regions were cloned into a mobilizable suicide vector. The resulting plasmids were transferred to S. meliloti 1021 by E. coli S17-1 mediated conjugation. Integration of the plasmids into the S. meliloti genome results in disruption of the targeted genes.
Available plasmids and mutants can be browsed using the GenDB genome browser (select S. meliloti replicon from the list of contigs in the GenDB genome browser).
Download the list of available mTn5-STM S. meliloti 2011 mutants.
Download the list of available E. coli S17-1 carrying plasmids for integration mutagenesis.
Check out procedure for mutant requests
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Becker A, Barnett MJ, Capela D, Dondrup M, Kamp P-B, Krol E, Linke B, Rüberg S, Runte K, Schroeder BK, Weidner S, Yurgel S, Batut J, Long SR, Pühler A, Finan TM, Goesmann A (2009) A portal for rhizobial genomes: RhizoGATE integrates a S. meliloti genome annotation update with postgenome data. J Biotechnol 140: 45-50.
Procedure for mutant requests
To request mTn5-STM S.meliloti 2011 or plasmid integration mutants or plasmids, please write an email to, cc
Use the subject "strain request" and please provide your FedEx customer No. for payment of shipping by the recipient.