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We are involved in teaching to the following undergraduate and graduate degree programs

These programs offer various specializations, including microbiology and synthetic microbiology.

We organize or contribute the following teaching modules in Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology and Synthetic Microbiology

  • BSc BM Basismodul Gen/Mibi (Kernmodul)
  • BSc AM Aufbaumodul Mikrobiologie (Fachmodul)    
  • BSc PM  Vertiefungsmodul "Mikrobiologie"     
  • MSc Aufbaumodul “Molekulare Mikrobiologie”
  • Synmikro I Aufbaumodul “Synthetische Mikrobiologie”
  • PM NGS Profilmodul “Next Generation Sequencing”

If you are interested in joining the lab as Bachelor, Master or doctoral student

Please send a email to: , cc:

If you are interested in pursuing your doctorate or to join us as postdoctoral researcher

please send an email including a motivation letter, curriculum vitae, and references to
, cc

for unsolicited applications please use the subject line “doctoral applicant” or “postdoc applicant”

Open, funded positions are announced here (information of how to apply are given in the specific job advertisement)

We are part of the imprs Graduate school: "Principles of microbial life. From molecules to cells, from cells to interactions" learn about this graduate training program and the application procedure.

We are also part of the Marburg School for Microbiology, please check this graduate training program.