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Peter Graumann
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We are studying dynamic processes in bacteria, with a focus on signaling, metabolism and cell shape maintenance. We are interested in several questions that involve the spatial organization and biochemistry of the cell: How are signals perceived by cells and converted to a response, and how is metabolism adapted with cell growth? We are using a combination of state of the art biochemical tools and super resolution fluorescence microscopy to understand how the bacterial cell is organized in a spatial and temporal manner, and communicates with its environment. For the M4C-initiative, we are especially interested in studying the cellular organization and adaptation of the central metabolic and signaling pathways in response to environmental cues.
Research Focus:
Microbes as Drivers; Microbes as Responders
Key Publication(s):
Krol E, Stuckenschneider L, Kästle J, Graumann PL, *Becker A. Stable inheritance of Sinorhizobium meliloti cell growth polarity requires an FtsN-like protein and an amidase. Nature Communications 2021 12: 545. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-20739-3.