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Research infrastructure and technology platforms

The shared Science Campus “Lahnberge” in Marburg offers an internationally unique research infrastructure for state of the art molecular microbiological research. Together, the University of Marburg, SYNMIKRO and the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology operate eleven staffed core facilities. These technology platforms are continuously developed and tailored to enable cutting-edge research. Training for all academic levels is provided in regular workshops.
- Quantitative Proteomics (Dr. Timo Glatter, MPI Marburg)
- Metabolomics and Small Molecule Analysis (Dr. Nicole Paczia, MPI Marburg)
- Flow cytometry and Cell Sorting (Dr Gabriele Malengo, MPI Marburg)
- MaxGENESYS DNA Foundry (Dr. Daniel Schindler, MPI Marburg)
- Fluorescence Microscopy (Prof. Graumann, SYNMIKRO)
- Fluorescence Microscopy (Dr. Gabriele Malengo MPI Marburg)
- X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM (Prof. Bange, Dr. Schuller, SYNMIKRO)
- Macromolecular interaction analyses (Dr. Wieland Steinchen, SYNMIKRO)
- Bioinformatics (Dr. Markus Lechner, SYNMIKRO)
- Laboratory Automation (Prof. Becker, SYNMIKRO)
- Functional Genomics (Prof. Becker, SYNMIKRO)
- Transmission electron microscopy (Dr. Thomas Heimerl, SYNMIKRO)