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Module guide for the master´s program Molecular Biology of Cellular Systems

The Molecular and Cellular Biology master's program educates you in the molecular and cellular sub-fields of biology, both technically and methodologically. Additionally the department closely cooperates with the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology.

All modules of the degree program are compulsory elective modules, which means that you have to pass all module areas but within this areas you have different options.
For example: During your studies you have to pass four Advanced Modules - obligatory! But those four modules you can choose out of a range of appr. 20 different modules.

Order of study

The degree programs are comprised of modules. A module is a teaching unit whose content and themes are covered over the course of one or two semesters. Each module receives credits (ECTS points) that reflect the average work load of a student for the given module.

Here you will find an overview of all offered modules in the MSc "Molecular and Cellular Biology" in classified order. Please check also the exemplary schedule.

The Module Manual for  the M.Sc. Molecular Biology of Cellular Systems

You will find the following information for each module in the module manual:

  • content and qualification goals of the modules
  • teaching and learning methods/types of classes,
  • requirements for attending,
  • applicability of the module,
  • ECTS point requirements (e.g., passing exam),
  • workload and duration of the module.

By reading through these pages you can find out what your studies will bring and what will be expected of you even before the program begins and you will be able to avoid unpleasant surprises:

Please note:

This page applies to the most current examination regulations in Wintersemester 2019/20. If you are studying according to an earlier or later examination regulation other provisions may apply. In that case please contact our advising service for further information.