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Annual meeting of the AK Hochgebirge 2023, Kleinwalsertal
In 2023, the annual meeting of the Arbeitskreis Hochgebirge (AKH) together with the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung (ARGE), will take from June 1-4 in the Marburger Haus in Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria.

The meeting aims to bring together high mountain researchers affiliated to institutions in and near Germany from all geographic disciplines. The program consists of an all-day excursion on Friday (therefore arrival on Thursday, June 1st), presentations on Saturday and a "business meeting" on Sunday morning.
We now welcome abstracts for oral presentations (15+5 min each, limited time slots available) and posters with flash talks (5 min, details and questions at the posters). Please send your abstract, using this template, to before April 16th. Please indicate your preference for a presentation type.
Your abstract submission will count as registration. Please just send an email if you want to register without presenting an abstract - this is still possible after April 10th, but do not forget to reserve your room in time! We will request a small conference fee (for coffee breaks, admin costs etc) of 30 Euros, which you can pay (in cash please) at the conference.
Please make your room (or single bed in dorm room) reservation directly at the Marburger Haus, preferably by phone or email, mentioning the conference.
The organizing team: Maaike Bader, Lirey Ramírez, Nishtha Prakash; contact: