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Mary Carolina García Lino
Curriculum Vitae
September 2009 – until now Ph.D. student in Biology (Botany). Thesis: “Consecuencias de la facilitación para la planta en cojín Laretia acaulis en Los Andes de Chile central: ¿Costos o beneficios?” Concepción University, Chile. 2014 (June - until now), 2012 (Jul-Sep) Research internship. Functional Ecology of Plants, Oldenburg University, Germany, with Prof. Dr. Gerhard Zotz and Prof. Dr. Maaike Bader (Marburg) 2006-July 2009 Research assistant of the National Herbarium La Paz, working for the GLORIA (GLobal Observation Research In Alpine environments) project in Bolivia. 2006-July 2009 Coordinator of the project “Conservation of Polylepis forests together with local communities in the Bolivian Andes”. 2006 Licenciate in Biology. Thesis: “Estado de Conservación de Puya raimondii Harms en el Valle de Araca, La Paz”. Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia. Research Interests
My PhD thesis is focused on understanding facilitation consequences for the cushion plant Laretia acaulis (Apiaceae) in the Andes of Central Chile. I explore the effect of beneficiaries on the cushion´s reproductive output, on its reserves (non-structural carbohydrates) and on traits like foliar temperature and cushion compactation.
I asked,- How does the reproductive output of Laretia acaulis cushions respond to the presence of beneficiaries along a stress gradient?
- How do the beneficiaries affect the cushion on the long term?
- How do carbon reserves in stems and leaves change along the full elevational range of this species and is there a pattern of resource allocation to growth, reproduction and carbon reserves that indicates negative or positive effects of the presence of beneficiaries?
- How do beneficiaries affect the annual growth (foliar biomass) and compactation of the cushion?
Plant ecology, alpine vegetation, vegetation monitoring, and conservation.
Selected Contributions to Congresses
September 2013 Oral presentation: “Facilitation consequences for the cushion plant Laretia acaulis (Apiaceae) along an altitudinal gradient in the high Andes of central Chile: Costs or benefits?” 43rd Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Potsdam, Germany. April 2011 Oral presentation: “Experiencias en la instalación de sitios GLORIA en el Parque Nacional Sajama y Apolobamba." III International workshop “Monitoreo de Cambio Climático en Latinoamérica con Metodología GLORIA extendida”. Chilecito University, Argentina. August 2010 Oral presentation: “Efecto facilitativo de dos especies de cojines (Baccharis magellanica y Acaena integerrima) en un gradiente de apertura de un bosquete de Nothofagus antartica en la Patagonia Chilena”. IV Reunión Binacional de Ecología. Buenos Aires, Argentina. March 2009 Oral presentation: “Long-term monitoring of high Andes in two protected areas: Sajama National Park and Apolobamba”. Simposio XXX Aniversario del Instituto de Ecología. Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia. September 2007 Poster presentation: “Dynamic and structure population of Puya raimondii in the Northwest Bolivian region: implications for its conservation”. III Reunión Binacional de Ecología. La Serena, Chile. June 2006 Oral presentation: “Environmental education experiences in Bolivia”. 20th Annual meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology. San José, USA. May 2006 Oral presentation: “Status knowledge use of Polylepis pepei forest in four local communities of Andes Cordillera”. II International Ecology meeting and Polylepis forest Conservation. Cusco, Perú. March 2006 Oral presentation: “Perturbations on Puya raimondii (Bromeliaceae) structure population in the Araca valley”. I Reunión de Ecología en Bolivia. La Paz, Bolivia. Publications
- Bader, M.Y., H. Loranger, G. Zotz & G. Mendieta Leiva 2018. Responses of tree seedlings near alpine treeline to delayed snowmelt and reduced sky exposure. Forests 9, 12; doi: 10.3390/f9010012
- Toivonen, J.M., C.A. Gonzales-Inca, M.Y. Bader, K. Ruokolainen & M. Kessler 2018. Elevational shifts in the topographic position of Polylepis forest stands in the Andes of southern Peru. Forests 9, 7; doi: 10.3390/f9010007
- Mežaka, A., A. Priede, L. Dobkeviča & M.Y. Bader 2018. Environmental controls of raised-bog vegetation in the Baltic boreo-nemoral zone. Folia Geobotanica; doi: 10.1007/s12224-017-9305-0 (full text)
- Djukic, I., S. Kepfer-Rojas, I. Kappel Schmidt, K. Steenberg Larsen, C. Beier, B. Berg, K. Verheyen, TeaComposition* 2018. Early stage litter decomposition across biomes. Science of the Total Environment 628-629: 1369-1394 *(M.Y. Bader and R. Canessa among over 300 authors, data contribution)
García, M.C., Meneses R.I., Naoki, K. & F. Anthelme (in press). Métodos para evaluar el efecto del pastoreo sobre las comunidades vegetales de bofedales. Ecología en Bolivia 49(3): 91-103.
Schöb, C., Michalet, R., Cavieres, L., Pugnaire, F., Brooker, R., Bradley, B., Bradley, B., Cook, J., Kikvidze, Z., Lortie, C., Xiao, S., Al Hayek, P., Cranston, B., García, M.C., Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., le Roux, P., Lingua, E., Nyakatya, M., Touzard, B., Zhao, L. & R.M. Callaway (2013). A global analysis of bidirectional interactions in alpine plant communities shows facilitators experiencing strong reciprocal fitness costs. New Phytologist 202: 95-105.
Pfanzelt, S., García, C. & A. Marticorena (2013). Notes on the geographic distribution of several Chilean vascular plant species, Check List 9(4): 832–837.
Pfanzelt, S. & C. García (2011). Notes on Gentianella tarapacana (Gilg) T.N. Ho & S.W. Liu (Gentianaceae), endemic to the Chilean Altiplano, Gayana Botánica 68(2): 182-187.
Halloy, S., Yager, K., Beck, S. & C. García (2010). El cambio del clima en el contexto de los cambios en la biosfera y noosfera – ¿Cuáles son los riesgos y que podemos hacer? Pp 602-612. In: Beck, S.G., Paniagua-Zambrana, N., López, R.P. & N. Nagashiro (eds). Biodiversidad y Ecología en Bolivia, Memorias del Simposio del XXX Aniversario del Instituto de Ecología. Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA), La Paz.
Book Chapter:
Halloy S., Yager, K., García, C., Beck, S., Carilla, J., Tupayachi, A., Jácome, J., Meneses, R. I., Farfán, J., Seimon, A., Seimon, T., Rodriguez, P., Cuello, S. & A. Grau (2010). Chapter 3: South America: Climate Monitoring and Adaptation Integrated Across Regions and Disciplines. Pp. 86-91. In: Settele, J., Penev, L., Georgiev, T., Grabaum, R., Grobelnik, V., Hammen, V., Klotz, S., Kotarac, M. & I. Kuehn (eds). Atlas of Biodiversity risk. Pensoft Publisher (
Field Guides:
Beck, S., Domic, A., Garcia C., Meneses R., Yager, K., & S. Halloy (2010). Guía de Plantas: El Parque Nacional Sajama y sus plantas. Herbario Nacional de Bolivia, Bolivia.
García C., Palabral, A. & I. Gómez (2007). Manual para conocer y cuidar nuestros bosques de Queñua (Polylepis). Asociación Civil Armonía, Birdlife International, Museo de Historia Natural y Colección Boliviana de Fauna, La Paz. 30 pp.
2014 DAAD research internships (4 months). 2013 Postgraduate-University de Concepción, Chile. Assistance to 43rd Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. 2013 MECESUP doctoral studies (6 months) 2012 MECESUP doctoral student’s internships (3 months) 2009 Programa Mece 2 Educación superior fondo de innovación (MECESUP UCO 0708) doctoral studies in Botany (4 years), Chile. 2004 Instituto de Ecología-Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. Field research, Bolivia. 2004 Biodiversity Conservation Organization (Idea Wild). Field equipment support grant, USA.