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  • S. Harnischmacher

Environmental Informatics

We study the effects of climate change on social-ecological systems and human health through remote sensing and artificial intelligence (AI), and share our knowledge through open source and open data. We develop and apply predictive modelling methods and automatic workflows for obtaining area-wide environmental and biodiversity information at multiple spatiotemporal scales. We develop and provide database systems for the integration of data obtained by networked remote and in-situ sensor solutions.

Top image, from left to right: Lisa Bald, Netra Bhandari, Dirk Zeuss, Atefeh Torkaman Pary, Temesgen Abera, Pejvak Rastgoo, Mohammed Ahmed Muhammed, Stephan Wöllauer, Ayoub Moradi, Spaska Forteva, Lea Heidrich. Not on the image: Michael Erhardt, Falk Hänsel, Sophia Just, Elliot Shayle.


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