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Mosaic of different aerial images of a forest patch
Lab of Environmental Informatics

Papers | Reports | Book chapters | Conference proceedings | Datasets



Pinkert S, Reuber V, Krug LM, Heidrich L, Rehling F, Brandl R, Farwig N (2025) Burrowing facilitated the survival of mammals in h rsh and fluctuating climates. Current Biology.

Moradi A, Abera T, Shayle E, Muhammed AM, Zeuss D (2025) Modeling long-term dynamics of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) in Germany based on major precursors. Environmental Science & Technology.

Bald L, Ratnaweera N, Hengl T, Laube P, Grunder J, Tischhauser W, Zeuss D (2025) Assessing tick attachments to humans with citizen science data: spatio-temporal mapping in Switzerland from 2015 to 2021 using spatialMaxent. Parasites & Vectors.


Zeuss D, Bald L, Gottwald J, Becker M, Bellafkir H, Bendix J, Bengel P, Beumer LT, Brandl R, Brändle M, Dahlke S, Farwig N, Freisleben B, Friess N, Heidrich L, Heuer S, Höchst J, Holzmann H, Lampe P, Leberecht M, Lindner K, Masello JF, Mielke Möglich J, Mühling M, Müller T, Noskov A, Opgenoorth L, Peter C, Quillfeldt P, Rösner S, Royauté R, Mestre-Runge C, Schabo D, Schneider D, Seeger B, Shayle E, Steinmetz R, Tafo P, Vogelbacher M, Wöllauer S, Younis S, Zobel J, Nauss T. (2024) Nature 4.0: A networked sensor system for integrated biodiversity monitoring. Global Change Biology.

Torkaman Pary A, Rastgoo P, Opp C, Zeuss D, Abera TA (2024) Impacts of Drought Severity and Frequency on Natural Vegetation Across Iran. Water.

Abera TA, Heiskanen J, Maeda EE, Muhammed MA, Bhandari N, Vakkari V, Hailu BT, Petri PKE, Hemp A, van Zyl PG, Zeuss D (2024) Deforestation amplifies climate change effects on warming and cloud level rise in African montane forests. Nature Communications.

Bhandari N, Bald L, Wraase L, Zeuss D (2024) Multispectral analysis-ready satellite data for three East African mountain ecosystems. Nature Scientific Data.

Ismaeel A, Tai A, Santos E, Maraia H, Aalto I, Altman J, Doležal J, Lembrechts J, Camargo J, Aalto J, Sam K, Avelino do Nascimento L, Kopecký M, Svátek M, Nunes M, Matula R, Plichta R, Abera T, Maeda E (2024) Patterns of tropical forest understory temperatures. Nature Communications.

Muhammed MA, Hassen AM, Abera TA, Wraase L, Ejigu BL, Hailu BT, Miehe G, Zeuss D (2024) Long-Term Volumetric Change Estimation of Red Ash Quarry Sites in the Afro-Alpine Ecosystem of Bale Mountains National Park in Ethiopia. Remote Sensing.

Yebeyen D, Hailu BT, Zewdie W, Abera T, Sileshi GW, Getachew M,  Nemomissa S (2024) Improved mapping of highland bamboo forests using Sentinel-2 time series and machine learning in Google Earth Engine.  Geocarto International.

Bald L, Gottwald J, Hillen J, Adorf F, Zeuss D (2024) The devil is in the detail: Environmental variables frequently used for habitat suitability modeling lack information for forest‐dwelling bats in Germany. Ecology and Evolution.

Bald L, Ziegler A, Gottwald J, Koch TL, Ludwig M, Meyer H, Wöllauer S, Zeuss D, Frieß N. (2024) Leveraging heterogeneous LiDAR data to model successional stages at tree species level in temperate forests. Environmental Data Science.


Novella-Fernandez R, Chalmandrier L, Brandl R, Pinkert S, Zeuss D, Hof C (2023) Trait overdispersion in dragonflies reveals the role and drivers of competition in community assembly across space and season. Ecography.

Bald L, Gottwald J, Zeuss D (2023) spatialMaxent: Adapting species distribution modeling to spatial data. Ecology and Evolution, e10635.

Mielke-Möglich J, Lampe P, Fickus M, Younis S, Gottwald J, Nauss T, Brandl R, Brändle M, Friess N, Freisleben B, others. (2023) Towards reliable estimates of abundance trends using automated non-lethal moth traps. Insect Conservation and Diversity.

Muhammed M, Hailu B, Miehe G, Wraase L, Nauss T, Zeuss D (2023) High-resolution digital elevation models and orthomosaics generated from historical aerial photographs (since the 1960s) of the Bale Mountains in Ethiopia. Earth System Science Data.

Novella-Fernandez R, Brandl R, Pinkert S, Zeuss D, Hof C (2023) Seasonal variation in dragonfly assemblage colouration suggests a link between thermal melanism and phenology. Nature Communications.

Wraase L, Zeuss D, Nauss T (et al. + 11) (2023) Remote sensing‐supported mapping of the activity of a subterranean landscape engineer across an afro‐alpine ecosystem. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Ziegler A, Heisig J, Ludwig M, Reudenbach C, Meyer H, Nauss T (2023) Using GEDI as training data for an ongoing mapping of landscape-scale dynamics of the plant area index. Environmental Research Letters.

Edelmann P, Weisser WW, Ambarlı D, Bässler C, Buscot F, Hofrichter M, Hoppe B, Kellner H, Minnich C, Moll J, Persoh D, Seibold S, Seilwinder C, Schulze ED, Wöllauer S, Borken W (2023) Regional variation in deadwood decay of 13 tree species: Effects of climate, soil and forest structure. Forest Ecology and Management.

Mestre-Runge C, Ludwig M, Sebastià MT, Plaixats J, Lobo A (2023) Optimizing Drone-Based Surface Models for Prescribed Fire Monitoring. Fire, 6, 419.

Mestre-Runge C, Lorenzo-Lacruz J, Ortega-Mclear A Garcia C (2023) An Optimized Workflow for Digital Surface Model Series Generation Based on Historical Aerial Images: Testing and Quality Assessment in the Beach-Dune System of Sa Ràpita-Es Trenc (Mallorca, Spain). Remote Sensing , 15, 2044.

Heidrich L, Brandl R, Ammer C, Bae S, Bässler C, Doerflerh I, Fischer M, Gossner MM, Heurich M, Heibl C, others. (2023). Effects of heterogeneity on the ecological diversity and redundancy of forest fauna. Basic and Applied Ecology.

Moradi A, Zeuss D (2023) Investigation of the spatiotemporal patterns of air quality over the metropolitan area of Tehran, using TROPOMI and OMI data. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health.

Abera T, Pellikka P, Johansson T, Mwamodenyi  J, Heiskanen J (2023) Towards tree-based systems disturbance monitoring of tropical mosaic landscape using a time series ensemble learning approach. Remote Sensing of Environment.

Da Silva BF, Dos Santos Rodrigues RZ, Heiskanen J, Abera TA, Gasparetto SC, Biase AG, Ramos Ballester MA, De Moura YM, De Stefano Piedade SM, De Oliveira Silva AK, De Camargo PB (2023) Evaluating the temporal patterns of land use and precipitation under desertification in the semi-arid region of Brazil. Ecological Informatics.

Edelmann P, Weisser WW, Ambarlı D, Bässler C, Buscot F, Hofrichter M, Hoppe B, Kellner H, Minnich C, Moll J, Persoh D, Seibold S, Seilwinder C, Schulze ED, Wöllauer S, Borken W (2023) Regional variation in deadwood decay of 13 tree species: Effects of climate, soil and forest structure. Forest Ecology and Management.

Menge JH, Magdon P, Wöllauer S, Ehbrecht M (2023) Impacts of forest management on stand and landscape-level microclimate heterogeneity of European beech forests. Landscape Ecology.

Leroy BML, Rabl D, Püls M, Hochrein S, Bae S, Müller J, Hebert PDN, Kuzmina ML, Zakharov EV, Lemme H, Hahn WA, Hilmers T, Jacobs M, Kienlein S, Pretzsch H, Heidrich L, Seibold S, Roth N, Vogel S, Kriegel P, Weisser WW. (2023). Trait‐mediated responses of caterpillar communities to spongy moth outbreaks and subsequent tebufenozide treatments. Ecological Applications.


Busse A, Bässler C, Brandl R, Friess N, Hacker H, Heidrich L, Hilmers T, Merkel‐Wallner G, Schmid‐Egger C, Seifert L, Müller J. (2022). Light and Malaise traps tell different stories about the spatial variations in arthropod biomass and method‐specific insect abundance. Insect Conservation and Diversity.

Zeller L, Baumann C, Gonin P, Heidrich L, Keye C, Konrad F, Larrieu L, Meyer P, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Müller J, others. (2022). Index of biodiversity potential (IBP) versus direct species monitoring in temperate forests. Ecological Indicators.

Muro J, Linstädter A, Magdon P, Wöllauer S, Männer F, Schwarz L, Ghazaryan G, Schultz J, Malenovský Z, Dubovyk O (2022) Predicting plant biomass and species richness in temperate grasslands across regions, time, and land management with remote sensing and deep learning. Remote Sensing of Environment 282: 113262.

Bowler DE, Bhandari N, Repke L, Beuthner C, Callaghan C T, Eichenberg D, Henle K, Klenke R, Richter A, Jansen F, Bruelheide H (2022) Decision-making of citizen scientists when recording species observations. Scientific Reports.

Bowler DE, Callaghan CT, Bhandari N, Henle K, Benjamin B M, Koppitz C, Klenke R, Winter M, Jansen F, Bruelheide H, Bonn A (2022) Temporal trends in the spatial bias of species occurrence records. Ecography.

Martiné E, Zeuss D, Lampei C, Miehe G, Opgenoorth L (2022) The South Asian monsoon maintains the disjunction of Rumex hastatus between the Western Himalayas and the Hengduan Mountains, Southwest China. Nordic Journal of Botany.

Asefa A, Reuber V, Miehe G, Wondafrash M, Wraase L, Wube T, Farwig N, Schabo DG (2022) The activity of a subterranean small mammal alters Afroalpine vegetation patterns and is positively affected by livestock grazing. Basic and Applied Ecology.

Wraase L, Reuber VM, Kurth P, Fekadu M, Demissew S, Miehe G, Opgenoorth L, Selig U, Woldu Z, Zeuss D, Schabo DG, Farwig N, Nauss T (2022) Remote sensing-supported mapping of the activity of a subterranean landscape engineer across an afro-alpine ecosystem. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Groos AR, Niederhauser J, Lemma B, Fekadu M, Zech W, Hänsel F, Wraase L,  Akçar N, Veit H (2022) An hourly ground temperature dataset for 16 high-elevation sites (3493–4377 m asl) in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia (2017–2020). Earth System Science Data 14, 1043-1062.

Engelhardt EK, Biber MF, Dolek M, Fartmann T, Hochkirch A, Leidinger J, Löffler F, Pinkert S, Poniatowski D, Voith J, Winterholler M, Zeuss D, Bowler DE & Hof C (2022) Consistent signals of a warming climate in occupancy changes of three insect taxa over 40 years in central Europe. Global Change Biology.

Ziegler A, Meyer H, Otte I, Peters MK, Appelhans T, Behler C, Böhning-Gaese K, Classen A, Detsch F, Deckert J, Eardley CD, Ferger SW, Fischer M, Gebert F, Haas M, Helbig-Bonitz M, Hemp A, Hemp C, Kakengi V, Mayr AV, Ngereza C, Reudenbach C, Röder J, Rutten G,  Schellenberger Costa D, Schleuning M, Ssymank A, Steffan-Dewenter I, Tardanico J, Tschapka M, Vollstädt MGR, Wöllauer S, Zhang J, Brandl R, Nauss T (2022) Potential of Airborne LiDAR Derived Vegetation Structure for the Prediction of Animal Species Richness at Mount Kilimanjaro, Remote Sensing 14, 786.


Gottwald J, Lampe P, Höchst J, Friess N, Maier J, Leister L, Neumann B, Richter T, Freisleben B, Nauss T (2021) BatRack: An open‐source multi‐sensor device for wildlife research, Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12, 1867-1874,

Höchst J, Gottwald J, Lampe P, Zobel J, Nauss T, Steinmetz R, & Freisleben B (2021) tRackIT OS: Open-source Software for Reliable VHF Wildlife Tracking, 51. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Digitale Kulturen, INFORMATIK 2021, Berlin, Germany, 2021.

Höfs C, Van der meer T, Atkowiak P, Hagge J, Green M, Gottwald J (2021) Exploring the Dotterel Mountains: Improving the understanding of breeding habitat characteristics of an Arctic-breeding specialist bird. Wader Study 128 (3),

Msoffe F, Zeuss D (2021) Automatic Processing of Sentinel-2 Data for Monitoring Biodiversity in a User-Defined Area: An Example from Mount Kilimanjaro National Park. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1411.

Groos AR, Niederhauser J, Wraase L, Hänsel F, Nauss T, Akçar N, Veit H (2021) The enigma of relict large sorted stone stripes in the tropical Ethiopian Highlands, Earth Surf. Dynam., 9, 145–166,

Simons NK, Felipe-Lucia MR, Schall P, Ammer C, Bauhus J, Blüthgen N, Boch S, Buscot F, Fischer M, Goldmann K, Gossner MM, Hänsel F, Jung K, Manning P, Nauss T, Oelmann Y, Pena R, Polle A, Renner SC, Schloter M, Schöning I, Schulze E-D, Solly EF, Sorkau E, Stempfhuber B, Wubet T, Müller J, Seibold S, Weisser WW (2021) National Forest Inventories capture the multifunctionality of managed forests in Germany. For. Ecosyst. 8.

Wöllauer S, Zeuss D, Hänsel F, Nauss T (2021) TubeDB: An on-demand processing database system for climate station data. Computers & Geosciences

Anthes K, Peter C, Nauss T (2021) Geographische Fachlichkeit – didaktische Erschließung durch Basiskonzepte. GW-Unterricht

Bae S, Heidrich L, Levick SR, Gossner MM, Seibold S, Weisser WW, Magdon P, Serebryanyk A, Bässler C, Schäfer D, Schulze E, Doerfler I, Müller J, Jung K, Heurich M, Fischer M, Roth N, Schall P, Boch S, Wöllauer S, Renner SC, Müller J. (2021). Dispersal ability, trophic position and body size mediate species turnover processes: Insights from a multi‐taxa and multi‐scale approach. Diversity and Distributions.

Heidrich L, Pinkert S, Brandl R, Bässler C, Hacker H, Roth N, Busse A, Müller J, Friess N. (2021). Noctuid and geometrid moth assemblages show divergent elevational gradients in body size and color lightness. Ecography.

Roth N, Hacker HH, Heidrich L, Friess N, García-Barros E, Habel JC, Thorn S, Müller J. (2021). Host specificity and species colouration mediate the regional decline of nocturnal moths in central European forests. Ecography.


Ludwig M, M. Runge C, Friess N, Koch TL, Richter S, Seyfried S, Wraase L, Lobo A, Sebastià M-T, Reudenbach C, Nauss T (2020) Quality Assessment of Photogrammetric Methods—A Workflow for Reproducible UAS Orthomosaics. Remote Sensing 12, 3831.

Wöllauer S, Zeuss D, Magdon P, Nauss T (2020) RSDB: An easy to deploy open-source web platform for remote sensing raster and point cloud data management, exploration, and processing. Ecography.

van der Bijl W, Zeuss D, Chazot N, Tunström K, Wahlberg N, Wiklund C, Fitzpatrick JL, Wheat CW (2020)
Butterfly dichromatism primarily evolved via Darwin’s, not Wallace’s, model. Evolution Letters.

Ambarlı D, Simons NK, Wehner K, Kämper W, Gossner MM, Nauss T, Neff F, Seibold S, Weisser W, Blüthgen N (2020) Animal-Mediated Ecosystem Process Rates in Forests and Grasslands are Affected by Climatic Conditions and Land-Use Intensity. Ecosystems.

Heidrich L, Bae S, Levick S, Seibold S, Weisser W, Krzystek P, Magdon P, Nauss T, Schall P, Serebryanyk A, Wöllauer S, Ammer C, Bässler C, Doerfler I, Fischer M, Gossner MM, Heurich M, Hothorn T, Jung K, Kreft H, Schulze E-D, Simons N, Thorn S, Müller J (2020) Heterogeneity–diversity relationships differ between and within trophic levels in temperate forests. Nature Ecology and Evolution.

Pinkert S, Friess N, Zeuss D, Gossner M, Brandl R, Brunzel S (2020) Mobility costs and energy uptake mediate the effects of morphological traits on species' distribution and abundance. Ecology.

Pinkert S, Zeuss D, Dijkstra KD, Kipping J, Clausnitzer V, Brunzel S, Brandl R (2020) Climate-diversity relationships underlying cross-taxon diversity of the Africa fauna and their implications for conservation. Diversity and Distributions.

Schumacher B, Katurji M, Meyer H, Appelhans T, Otte I, Nauss T (2020) Atmospheric moisture pathways of East Africa and implications for water recycling at Mount Kilimanjaro. Int. J. Climatol.


Ammoneit R, Reudenbach C, Turek A, Nauss T, Peter C (2019) Geographische Modellierkompetenz – Modellierung von Raum konzeptualisieren. GW-Unterricht

Jung P, Baumann K, Lehnert LW, Samolov E,  Achilles S, Schermer M, Wraase LM, Eckhardt KU, Bader MY, Leinweber P, Karsten U, Bendix J, Büdel B (2019) Desert breath—How fog promotes a novel type of soil biocenosis, forming the coastal Atacama Desert’s living skin. Geobiology 18: 113–124.

Seibold S, Gossner MM, Simons NK, Blüthgen N, Müller J, Ambarlı D, Ammer C, Bauhus J, Fischer M, Habel JC, Linsenmair KE, Nauss T, Penone C, Prati D, Schall P, Schulze E-D, Vogt J, Wöllauer S, Weisser WW (2019) Arthropod decline in grasslands and forests is associated with landscape-level drivers. Nature 574: 671–674.

Bae S, Levick SR, Heidrich L, Magdon P, Leutner BF, Wöllauer S, Serebryanyk A, Nauss T, Krzystek P, Gossner MM, Schall P, Heibl C, Bässler C, Doerfler I, Schulze E-D, Krah F-S, Culmsee H, Jung K, Heurich M, Fischer M, Seibold S, Thorn S, Gerlach T, Hothorn T, Weisser WW, Müller J (2019) Radar vision in the mapping of forest biodiversity from space. Nature Communications 10: 1.

Meyer H, Reudenbach C, Wöllauer S, Nauss T (2019) Importance of spatial predictor variable selection in machine learning applications – Moving from data reproduction to spatial prediction. Ecological Modelling 411: 108815.

Gottwald J, Zeidler R, Friess N, Ludwig M, Reudenbach C, Nauss T (2019) Introduction of an automatic and open‐source radio‐tracking system for small animals. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 297: 309.

Meyer H, Schmidt J, Detsch F, Nauss T (2019) Hourly gridded air temperatures of South Africa derived from MSG SEVIRI. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 78, 261–267.

Graf W, Kleinn C, Schall P, Nauss T, Detsch F, Magdon P (2019) Analyzing the relationship between historic canopy dynamics and current plant species diversity in the herb layer of temperate forests using long-term Landsat time series. Remote Sensing of Environment 232: 111305.

Ludwig M, Morgenthal T, Detsch F, Higginbottom TP, Lezama Valdes M, Nauss T, Meyer H (2019) Machine learning and multi-sensor based modelling of woody vegetation in the Molopo Area, South Africa. Remote Sensing of Environment 222: 195–203.

Ossendorf G, Groos AR, Bromm T, Tekelemariam MG, Glaser B, Lesur J, Schmidt J, Akçar N, Bekele T, Beldados A, Demissew S, Kahsay TH, Nash BP, Nauss T, Negash A, Nemomissa S, Veit H, Vogelsang R, Woldu Z, Zech W, Opgenoorth L, Miehe G (2019) Middle Stone Age foragers resided in high elevations of the glaciated Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. Science (New York, N.Y.) 365: 583–587.

Peters MK, Hemp A, Appelhans T, Becker JN, Behler C, Classen A, Detsch F, Ensslin A, Ferger SW, Frederiksen SB, Gebert F, Gerschlauer F, Gütlein A, Helbig-Bonitz M, Hemp C, Kindeketa WJ, Kühnel A, Mayr AV, Mwangomo E, Ngereza C, Njovu HK, Otte I, Pabst H, Renner M, Röder J, Rutten G, Schellenberger Costa D, Sierra-Cornejo N, Vollstädt MG, Dulle HI, Eardley CD, Howell KM, Keller A, Peters RS, Ssymank A, Kakengi V, Zhang J, Bogner C, Böhning-Gaese K, Brandl R, Hertel D, Huwe B, Kiese R, Kleyer M, Kuzyakov Y, Nauss T, Schleuning M, Tschapka M, Fischer M, Steffan-Dewenter I (2019) Climate–land-use interactions shape tropical mountain biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Nature 568: 88–92.

Stelbrink P, Pinkert S, Brunzel S, Kerr J, Wheat C, Brandl R & Zeuss D (2019) Colour lightness of butterfly assemblages across North America and Europe. Nature Scientific Reports 9, 1760.

2018 und früher

Heidrich, L., Friess, N., Fiedler, K., Brändle, M., Hausmann, A., Brandl, R., & Zeuss, D. (2018). The dark side of Lepidoptera: Colour lightness of geometrid moths decreases with increasing latitude. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(4), 407–416.

Melis M, Dessì F, Loddo P, La Mantia C, Da Pelo S, Deflorio A, Ghiglieri G, Hailu B, Kalegele K, Mwasi B (2018) Improving land cover mapping: A mobile application based on esa sentinel 2 imagery. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives 42/3, 1263–1266.

Wang Y, Lehnert LW, Holzapfel M, Schultz R, Heberling G, Görzen E, Meyer H, Seeber E, Pinkert S, Ritz M, Fu Y, Ansorge H, Bendix J, Seifert B, Miehe G, Long RJ, Yang YP, Wesche, K (2018) Multiple indicators yield diverging results on grazing degradation and climate controls across Tibetan pastures. Ecological Indicators 93: 1199–1208.

Lehnert LW, Meyer H, Obermeier WA, Silva B, Regeling B, Thies B, Bendix J (2018) Hyperspectral Data Analysis in R: the hsdar-Package. Journal of Statistical Software

Higginbottom T, Symeonakis E, Meyer H, van der Linden S (2018) Mapping fractional woody cover in semi-arid savannahs using multi-seasonal composites from Landsat data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 139: 88–102.

Meyer N, Meyer H, Welp G, Amelung W (2018) Soil respiration and its temperature sensitivity (Q10): rapid acquisition using mid-infrared spectroscopy. Geoderma 323: 31–40.

Albrecht J, Classen A, Vollstädt MG, Mayr A, Mollel NP, Schellenberger Costa D, Dulle HI, Fischer M, Hemp A, Howell KM, Kleyer M, Nauss T, Peters MK, Tschapka M, Steffan-Dewenter I, Böhning-Gaese K, Schleuning M (2018) Plant and animal functional diversity drive mutualistic network assembly across an elevational gradient. Nature Communications 9: 3177.

Felipe-Lucia MR, Soliveres S, Penone C, Manning P, van der Plas F, Boch S, Prati D, Ammer C, Schall P, Gossner MM, Bauhus J, Buscot F, Blaser S, Blüthgen N, Frutos A de, Ehbrecht M, Frank K, Goldmann K, Hänsel F, Jung K, Kahl T, Nauss T, Oelmann Y, Pena R, Polle A, Renner S, Schloter M, Schöning I, Schrumpf M, Schulze E-D, Solly E, Sorkau E, Stempfhuber B, Tschapka M, Weisser WW, Wubet T, Fischer M, Allan E (2018) Multiple forest attributes underpin the supply of multiple ecosystem services. Nature Communications 9: 4839.

Hailu BT, Fekadu M, Nauss T (2018) Availability of global and national scale land cover products and their accuracy in mountainous areas of Ethiopia: a review. J. Appl. Remote Sens 12: 1.

Leimer S, Bischoff S, Boch S, Busch V, Escher P, Fischer M, Hänsel F, Hölzel N, Kerber K, Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Michalzik B, Nauss T, Schäfer D, Schöning I, Schwarz MT, Siemens J, Thieme L, Wöllauer S, Wilcke W (2018) Dohes plant diversity affect the water balance of established grassland systems? Ecohydrology 358: e1945.

Meyer H, Reudenbach C, Hengl T, Katurji M, Nauss T (2018) Improving performance of spatio-temporal machine learning models using forward feature selection and target-oriented validation. Environmental Modelling & Software 101: 1–9.

Reber D, Fekadu M, Detsch F, Vogelsang R, Bekele T, Nauss T, Miehe G (2018) High-altitude rock shelters and settlements in an African alpine ecosystem: The Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia. Human Ecology 46: 587–600.

Tiede Y, Hemp C, Schmidt A, Nauss T, Farwig N, Brandl R (2018) Beyond body size: consistent decrease of traits within orthopteran assemblages with elevation. Ecology 99: 2090–2102.

Brehm G, Zeuss D & Colwell R (2018) Moth body size increases with elevation along a complete tropical elevational gradient for two hyperdiverse clades. Ecography 41, 1–11.

Dormann C, Bobrowski M, Dehling M, Harris DJ, Hartig F, Lischke H, Moretti M, Pagel J, Pinkert S, Schleuning M, Schmidt S, Sheppard C, Steinbauer M, Zeuss D, Kraan C (2018) Biotic interactions in species distribution modelling: 10 questions to guide interpretation and avoid false conclusions. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27, 1004–1016.

Heidrich L, Friess N, Fiedler K, Brändle M, Hausmann A, Brandl R & Zeuss D (2018) The dark side of Lepidoptera: Colour lightness of geometrid moths decreases with increasing latitude. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27, 407–416.

Pinkert S & Zeuss D (2018) Thermal Biology: Melanin-based energy harvesting across the Tree of Life. Current Biology 28, R887–R889.

Melis M, Dessì F, Loddo P, La Mantia C, Da Pelo S, Deflorio A, Ghiglieri G, Hailu B, Kalegele K, Mwasi B (2017) Flowered-geodbapp: An application based on crowd-generating data using Sentinel2 imagery. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives 42(4W2) 121-127.

Hailu B, Siljander M, Maeda E, Pellikka P (2017) Assessing spatial distribution of Coffea arabica L. in Ethiopia's highlands using species distribution models and geospatial analysis methods. Ecological Informatics 42.

Gottwald J, Appelhans T, Adorf F, Hillen J, Nauss T (2017) High-Resolution MaxEnt Modelling of Habitat Suitability for Maternity Colonies of the Barbastelle Bat Barbastella barbastellus (Schreber, 1774) in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Acta Chiropterologica 19: 389–398.

Gütlein A, Zistl-Schlingmann M, Becker J, Sierra Cornejo N, Detsch F, Dannemann M, Appelhans T, Hertel D, Kuzyakov Y, Kiese R (2017) Nitrogen turnover and greenhouse gas emissions in a tropical alpine ecosystem, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Plant and Soil 411: 243–259.

Detsch F, Otte I, Appelhans T, Nauss T (2017) A glimpse at short-term controls of evapotranspiration along the southern slopes of Kilimanjaro. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189: 465.

Otte I, Detsch F, Gütlein A, Scholl M, Kiese R, Appelhans T, Nauss T (2017) Seasonality of stable isotope composition of atmospheric water input at the southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Hydrological Processes 31, 3932–3947.

Ferger SW, Peters MK, Appelhans T, Detsch F, Hemp A, Nauss T, Otte I, Böhning-Gaese K, Schleuning M, Feeley K (2017) Synergistic effects of climate and land use on avian beta-diversity. Divers Distrib 23: 1246–1255.

Meyer H, Drönner J, Nauss T (2017) Satellite-based high-resolution mapping of rainfall over southern Africa. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 10: 2009–2019.

Meyer H, Kühnlein M, Reudenbach C, Nauss T (2017) Revealing the potential of spectral and texture predictor variables in a neural network based rainfall retrieval technique. Remote Sensing Letters 8: 647–656.

Otte I, Detsch F, Mwangomo E, Hemp A, Appelhans T, Nauss T (2017) Multidecadal Trends and Interannual Variability of Rainfall as Observed from Five Lowland Stations at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. J. Hydrometeor. 18: 349–361.

Meyer H, Lehnert LW, Wang Y, Reudenbach C, Nauss T, Bendix J (2017) From local spectral measurements to maps of vegetation cover and biomass on the Qinghai-Tibet-Plateau. Do we need hyperspectral information? International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 55: 21–31.

Röder J, Detsch F, Otte I, Appelhans T, Nauss T, Peters MK, Brandl R (2017) Heterogeneous patterns of abundance of epigeic arthropod taxa along a major elevation gradient. Biotropica 49: 217–228.

Pinkert S, Dijkstra KDB, Zeuss D, Reudenbach C, Brandl R & Hof C (2017) Evolutionary processes, dispersal limitation and climatic history shape current diversity patterns of European dragonflies. Ecography 41, 795–804.

Shelomi M & Zeuss D (2017) Bergmann’s and Allen’s rules in native European and Mediterranean Phasmatodea. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5, 25.

Zeuss D, Brunzel S & Brandl R (2017) Environmental drivers of voltinism and body size in insect assemblages across Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26, 154–165.

Peters MK, Hemp A, Appelhans T, Behler C, Classen A, Detsch F, Ensslin A, Ferger SW, Frederiksen SB, Gebert F, Haas M, Helbig-Bonitz M, Hemp C, Kindeketa WJ, Mwangomo E, Ngereza C, Otte I, Röder J, Rutten G, Schellenberger Costa D, Tardanico J, Zancolli G, Deckert J, Eardley CD, Peters RS, Rödel M-O, Schleuning M, Ssymank A, Kakengi V, Zhang J, Böhning-Gaese K, Brandl R, Kalko EK, Kleyer M, Nauss T, Tschapka M, Fischer M, Steffan-Dewenter I (2016) Predictors of elevational biodiversity gradients change from single taxa to the multi-taxa community level. Nature Communications 7: 13736.

Meyer H, Katurji M, Appelhans T, Müller M, Nauss T, Roudier P, Zawar-Reza P (2016) Mapping daily air temperature for Antarctica based on MODIS LST. Remote Sensing, 8, 732.

Messenzehl K, Meyer H, Otto J-C, Hoffmann T, Dikau R (2016) Regional-scale controls on the spatial activity of rockfalls (Turtmann Valley, Swiss Alps) — A multivariate modeling approach. Geomorphology

Ludwig A, Meyer H, Nauss T (2016) Automatic classification of Google Earth images for a larger scale monitoring of bush encroachment in South Africa. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 50:89–94.

Meyer H, Kühnlein M, Appelhans T, Nauss T (2016) Comparison of four machine learning algorithms for their applicability in satellite-based optical rainfall retrievals. Atmospheric Research 169: 424–433.

Detsch F, Otte I, Appelhans T, Nauss T (2016) A comparative study of cross-product NDVI dynamics in the Kilimanjaro region – a matter of sensor, degradation calibration, and significance. Remote Sensing 8:159.

Detsch F, Otte I, Appelhans T, Hemp A, Nauss T (2016) Seasonal and long-term vegetation dynamics from 1-km GIMMS-based NDVI time series at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Remote Sensing of Environment 178:70–83.

Appelhans T, Nauss T (2016) Spatial patterns of sea surface temperature influences on east african precipitation as revealed by empirical orthogonal teleconnections. Atmospheric Science 3.

Lorch S, Zeuss D, Brandl R & Brändle M (2016) Chromosome numbers in three species groups of freshwater flatworms increase with increasing latitude. Ecology and Evolution 6, 1420–1429.

Pinkert S, Brandl R & Zeuss D (2016) Colour lightness of dragonfly assemblages across North America and Europe. Ecography 40, 1110–1117.

Lehnert LW, Meyer H, Wang Y, Miehe G, Thies B, Reudenbach C, Bendix J (2015) Retrieval of grassland plant coverage on the Tibetan Plateau based on a multi-scale, multi-sensor and multi-method approach. Remote Sensing of Environment 164:197–207.

Classen A, Peters MK, Kindeketa WJ, Appelhans T, Eardley C-D, Gikungu M-W, Hemp A, Nauss T, Steffan-Dewenter I (2015) Temperature versus resource constraints: which factors determine bee diversity on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania? Global Ecology and Biogeography 24:642–652.

Appelhans T, Mwangomo E, Otte I, Detsch F, Nauss T, Hemp A (2015) Eco-meteorological characteristics of the southern slopes of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. International Journal of Climatology n/a–n/a.

Appelhans T, Mwangomo E, Hardy DR, Hemp A, Nauss T (2015) Evaluating machine learning approaches for the interpolation of monthly air temperature at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Spatial Statistics 14: 91–113.

Appelhans T, Detsch F, Nauss T (2015) remote. Empirical Orthogonal Teleconnections in R. J. Stat. Soft. 65.

Gasch CK, Hengl T, Gräler B, Meyer H, Magney TS, Brown DJ (2015) Spatio-temporal interpolation of soil water, temperature, and electrical conductivity in 3D + T: The Cook Agronomy Farm data set.

Lehnert LW, Meyer H, Meyer N, Reudenbach C, Bendix J (2014) A hyperspectral indicator system for rangeland degradation on the Tibetan Plateau: A case study towards spaceborne monitoring.
Ecological Indicators 39:54–64.

Kühnlein M, Appelhans T, Thies B, Nauss T (2014) Improving the accuracy of rainfall rates from optical satellite sensors with machine learning – a random forests-based approach applied to MSG SEVIRI. Remote Sensing of Environment 141:129–143.

Kühnlein M, Appelhans T, Thies B, Nauss T (2014) Precipitation estimates from MSG SEVIRI daytime, nighttime, and twilight data with random forests. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53:2457–2480.

Zeuss D, Brandl R, Brändle M, Rahbek C & Brunzel S (2014) Global warming favours light-coloured insects in Europe. Nature Communications 5, 3874.

Kühnlein M, Appelhans T, Thies B, Kokhanovsky AA, Nauss T (2013) An evaluation of a semi-analytical cloud property retrieval using MSG SEVIRI, MODIS and CloudSat. Atmospheric Research 122: 111–135.

Fries A, Rollenbeck R, Nauss T, Peters T, Bendix J (2012) Near surface air humidity in a megadiverse Andean mountain ecosystem of southern Ecuador and its regionalization. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 152:17–30.

Ayanu YZ, Conrad C, Nauss T,  Wegmann M, Koellner T (2012) Quantifying and mapping ecosystem services supplies and demands: A review of remote sensing applications. Environmental Science & Technology 46:8529–8541.

Appelhans T, Sturman A, Zawar-Reza P (2012) Synoptic and climatological controls of particulate matter pollution in a Southern Hemisphere coastal city. International Journal of Climatology 33:463–479.

Thies B, Meyer H, Nauss T, Bendix J (2012) Projecting land-use and land-cover changes in a tropical mountain forest of Southern Ecuador. Journal of Land Use Science 9: 1–33.

Bendix J, Trache K, Palacios E, Rollenbeck R, Göttlicher D, Nauss T, Bendix A (2011) El Niño meets La Niña – anomalous rainfall patterns in the "traditional" El Niño region of southern Ecuador. Erdkunde 65:151–167.

Göttlicher D, Albert J, Nauss T, Bendix J (2011) Optical properties of selected plants from a tropical mountain ecosystem – Traits for plant functional types to parametrize a land surface model. Ecological Modelling 222: 493–502.

Nauss T, Kokhanovsky AA (2011) Retrieval of warm cloud optical properties using simple approximations. Remote Sensing of Environment 115: 1317–1325.

Zawar-Reza P, Appelhans T, Gharaylou M, Shamsipour A (2010) Mesoscale controls on particulate matter pollution for a mega city in a semi-arid mountainous environment: Tehran, Iran. International Journal of Environment and Pollution 41:166–183.

Thies B, Turek A, Nauss T, Bendix J (2010) Weather type dependent quality assessment of a satellite-based rainfall detection scheme for the mid-latitudes. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 107: 81–89.

Kühnlein M, Thies B, Nauss T, Bendix J (2010) Rainfall-rate assignment using MSG SEVIRI data — a promising approach to spaceborne rainfall-rate retrieval for midlatitudes. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 49:1477–1495.

Appelhans T, Sturman A, Zawar-Reza P (2010) Modelling emission trends from non-constant time series of PM10 concentrations in Christchurch, New Zealand. International Journal of Environment and Pollution 43:354–363.

Appelhans T, Zawar-Reza P (2010) A modelling study of particulate matter dispersion under dominant surface wind regime modes in Christchurch, New Zealand. Air Quality and Climate Change 44:24–29. 

Bendix J, Silva B, Roos K, Göttlicher DO, Rollenbeck R, Nauss T, Beck E (2010) Model parameterization to simulate and compare the PAR absorption potential of two competing plant species. International journal of biometeorology 54: 283–295.

Trachte K, Nauss T, Bendix J (2010) The Impact of Different Terrain Configurations on the Formation and Dynamics of Katabatic Flows. Idealised Case Studies. Boundary-Layer Meteorol 134: 307–325.

Bräuning A, Volland-Voigt F, Burchardt I, Ganzhi O, Nauss T, Peters T (2009) Climatic control of radial growth of Cedrela montana in a humid mountain rainforest in southern Ecuador. Erdkunde 63:337–345.

Bendix J, Trachte K, Cermak J, Rollenbeck R, Nauss T (2009) Formation of Convective Clouds at the Foothills of the Tropical Eastern Andes (South Ecuador). J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol. 48: 1682–1695.

Fries A, Rollenbeck R, Göttlicher D, Nauss T, Homeier J, Peters T, Bendix J (2009) Thermal structure of a megadiverse Andean mountain ecosystem in southern Ecuador and its regionalization. Erdkunde 63:321–335.

Göttlicher D, Obregon A, Homeier J, Rollenbeck R, Nauss T, Bendix J (2009) Land-cover classification in the Andes of southern Ecuador using Landsat ETM+ data as a basis for SVAT modelling. International Journal of Remote Sensing 30:1867–1886.

Thies B, Nauss T, Bendix J (2008) Discriminating raining from non-raining cloud areas at mid-latitudes using meteosat second generation SEVIRI night-time data. Meteorological Applications 15:219–230.

Thies B, Nauss T, Bendix J (2008) Precipitation process and rainfall intensity differentiation using Meteosat Second Generation Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager data. J. Geophys. Res. 113: 1121.

Thies B, Nauss T, Bendix J (2008) Discriminating raining from non-raining clouds at mid-latitudes using meteosat second generation daytime data. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8: 2341–2349.

Bendix J, Rollenbeck R, Göttlicher D, Nauss T, Fabian P (2008) Seasonality and diurnal pattern of very low clouds in a deeply incised valley of the eastern tropical Andes (South Ecuador) as observed by a cost-effective WebCam system. Met. Apps 15: 281–291.

Thies B, Nauss T, Bendix J (2008) First results on a process-oriented rain area classification technique using Meteosat Second Generation SEVIRI nighttime data. Adv. Geosci. 16: 63–72.

Früh B, Bendix J, Nauss T, Paulat M, Pfeiffer A, Schipper J-W, Thies B, Wernli H (2007) Verification of precipitation from regional climate simulations and remote-sensing observations with respect to ground-based observations in the upper Danube catchment. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 16:275–293.

Kokhanovsky AA, Nauss T, Schreier M, Hoyningen-Huene W von, Burrows JP (2007) The Intercomparison of Cloud Parameters Derived Using Multiple Satellite Instruments. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing 45: 195–200.

Nauss T, Kokhanovsky AA (2007) Assignment of rainfall confidence values using multispectral satellite data at mid-latitudes. First results. Adv. Geosci. 10: 99–102.

Bendix J, Thies B, Nauss T, Cermak J (2006) A feasibility study of daytime fog and low stratus detection with TERRA/AQUA-MODIS over land. Meteorological Applications 13:111–125.

Nauss T, Kokhanovsky AA (2006) Discriminating raining from non-raining clouds at mid-latitudes using multispectral satellite data. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 6: 5031–5036.

Kokhanovsky AA, Nauss T (2006) Reflection and transmission of solar light by clouds. Asymptotic theory. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 6: 5537–5545.

Kokhanovsky AA, Rozanov VV, Nauss T, Reudenbach C, Daniel JS, Miller HL, Burrows JP (2006) The semianalytical cloud retrieval algorithm for SCIAMACHY I. The validation. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 6: 1905–1911.

Kokhanovsky AA, Nauss T (2005) Satellite-based retrieval of ice cloud properties using a semianalytical algorithm. J. Geophys. Res. 110: 15155.

Nauss T, Kokhanovsky AA, Nakajima TY, Reudenbach C, Bendix J (2005) The intercomparison of selected cloud retrieval algorithms. Atmospheric Research 78: 46–78.

Bendix J, Thies B, Cermak J, Nauss T (2005) Ground Fog Detection from Space Based on MODIS Daytime Data—A Feasibility Study. Wea. Forecasting 20: 989–1005.

Nauss T, Bendix J (2005) An operational MODIS processing scheme for PC dedicated to direct broadcasting applications in meteorology and earth sciences. Computers & Geosciences 31:804–808.

Nauss T, Reudenbach C (2003) Developing an Absolute Natural Disaster Risk Index (ANDRI) on the basis of economic and geophysical data. Die Erde 134: 195–209.


Kanwischer D, Burger D, Nauss T (2014) Citizen Science and Digital Geomedia: Implementing a Biodiversity Information System in Cabo Verde. In: Vogler R, Car A, Strobl J, Griesebner G (eds) Geospatial innovation for society. GI_Forum 2014 ; [Geoinformatics Forum held in Salzburg from July 1-4, 2014. Wichmann; Verl. der Österr. Akad. der Wiss. ÖAW, Berlin, Wien, pp 299–308.

Kittler F, Lüers J, Nauss T, Foken T Möglichkeiten der künstlichen Beschneiung im gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Klima im Fichtelgebirge.

Göttlicher D, Dobbermann M, Nauss T, Bendix J Central Data Services in Multidisciplinary Environmental Research Projects - The data-management of the DFG research unit 816

Nauss T, Göttlicher D, Dobbermann M, Bendix J Central Data Services in Multidisciplinary Environmental Research Projects.

Wilton E, Appelhans T, Baynes M, Zawar-Reza P (2009) Assessing long-term trends in PM10 concentrations in Invercargill. Environet Limited, 11 Lachie Griffin Rise RD1; Lyttelton; Christchurch 8971

Appelhans T, Bluett J, Dey K, et al (2007) Using air quality data to track progress toward 10 standards: Case study - Christchurch 1999 - 2006. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd, 10 Kyle Street; PO Box 8602; Christchurch; New Zealand

Sturman A, Appelhans T (2006) Estimation of hourly solar radiation fom 2nd July to 18th August 2003 in the area between Rangataik and Matea townships, east of Lake Taupo in the central North Island. AgResearch, Ruakura Research Centre; Bisley Road; Private Bag 3115; Hamilton 3240; New Zealand

Book chapters

Peter C, Nauss T (2020) Der Raum im System. In: Meister N, Hericks U, Kreyer R, Laging R (eds) Zur Sache. Die Rolle des Faches in der universitären Lehrerbildung. Edition Fachdidaktiken. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Thies B, Nauss T, Reudenbach C, Cermak J, Bendix J (2016) Mean Number of Storm Days. In: Mauser W, Prasch M (eds) Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts. Springer, Cham.

Peters T, Drobnik T, Meyer H, Rankl M, Richter M, Rollenbeck R, Thies B, Bendix J (2013) Environmental Changes Affecting the Andes of Ecuador. In: Bendix J, Beck E, Bräuning A, et al. (eds) Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South Ecuador. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 19–29

Roos K, Bendix J, Curatola G, Gawlik J, Gerique A, Hamer U, Hildebrandt P, Knoke T, Meyer H, Pohle P, Potthast K, Thies B, Tischer A, Beck E (2013) Current provisioning services: pasture development and use, weeds (bracken) and management. In: Bendix J, Beck E, Bräuning A, et al. (eds) Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South Ecuador. Springer, pp 205–218

Windhorst D, Silva B, Peters T, Meyer H, Thies B, Bendix J, Frede H-G, Breuer L 2013) Impacts of Local Land-Use Change on Climate and Hydrology. In: Bendix J, Beck E, Bräuning A, et al. (eds) Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South Ecuador. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 275–286

Nauss T, Bendix J 2008 Extreme Windereignisse - Stürme, Hurricans, Tornados. In: Felgentreff C, Glade T (eds) Naturrisiken Und Sozialkatastrophen. Springer Spektrum, Berlin: 181-190.

Nauss T, Thies B, Turek A, Bendix J, Kokhanovsky A (2008) Operational discrimination of raining from non-raining clouds in mid-latitudes using multispectral satellite data. In: Michaelides S. (eds) Precipitation: Advances in Measurement, Estimation and Prediction. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Reudenbach C, Nauss T, Bendix J (2007) Retrieving Precipitation with GOES, Meteosat, and Terra/MSG at the Tropics and Mid-latitudes. In: Levizzani V, Bauer P, Turk FJ (eds) Measuring Precipitation From Space. Advances In Global Change Research, vol 28. Springer, Dordrecht.

Conference proceedings (selection)

Moradi, A. (2024). Evaluation of Near Surface Climatology in Atmospheric Delay Estimation for Application in SAR Interferometry. In: Ksibi, M., et al. Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (3rd Edition). EMCEI 2021. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham.

Moradi, A. (2024). A Schematic Model to Approximate Spatial Leakage Effects in Satellite Gravimetry. In: Ksibi, M., et al. Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (3rd Edition). EMCEI 2021. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham.

Msoffe F, Nauss T, Zeuss D (2020) Use of current remote sensing methods for biodiversity monitoring and conservation of Mount Kilimanjaro National Park ecosystems.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management 1: 175–183.

Ludwig A, Meyer H, Higginbottom T, Nauss T (2016) Classifying Google Earth images as training sites for application to a larger scale monitoring of bush encroachment in South Africa. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Meyer H, Lehnert LW, Wang Y, Reudenbach C, Nauss T, Bendix J (2016) Mapping vegetation cover and biomass on the Qinghai-Tibet-Plateau using hyperspectral measurements and multispectral satellite images. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Appelhans T, Mwangomo E, Hardy D-R, Hemp A, Nauss T (2015) Evaluating different machine learning approaches for the interpolation of ambient air temperature at Mt. Kilimajaro, Tanzania. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. p 1280

Appelhans T, Mwangomo E, Otte I, Detsch F, Nauss T, Hemp A, Ndyamkama J (2015) Extending an operational meteorological monitoring network through machine learning and classical geo-statistical approaches. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. pp 1279–1

Lehnert L, Meyer H, Bendix J (2015) Hyperspectral Data Analysis in R: The new hsdar-package. In: UseR! 30.06 – 03.07. 2015, Aalborg, Denmark.

Messenzehl K, Hoffmann T, Meyer H, Dikau R (2015) Regional-scale controls of periglacial rockfalls (Turtmann valley, Swiss Alps). In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Meyer H, Kühnlein M, Appelhans T, Nauss T (2015) Comparison of machine learning algorithms for their applicability in satellite-based optical rainfall retrievals. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Otte I, Detsch Florian, Appelhans T, Nauss T (2015) Quantification and analysis of deuterium and oxygen-18 isotope composition of precipitation at the southern foothills of Mt. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania). In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Wöllauer, Stephan; Forteva, Spaska; Nauss, Thomas (2015) On demand processing of climate station sensor data

Otte I, Detsch Florian, Nauss T, Appelhans T (2015) Seasonal and long-term rainfall and cloud dynamics in the Mt. Kilimanjaro region as observed from local and remote sensing time series. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Wang Y, Lehnert L, Holzapfel M, Schultz R, Heberling G, Görzen E, Meyer H, Seeber E, Pinkert S, Ritz M, Ansorge H, Bendix J, Seifert B, Miehe G, Long R, Yang Y, Wesche K (2015) Testing congruence among multiple grazing indicators: a multi-site study across the Tibetan plateau. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Lehnert LW, Meyer H, Thies B, Reudenbach C, Bendix J (2014) Monitoring plant cover on the Tibetan Plateau: A multi-scale remote sensing based approach. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Appelhans T, Nauss T (2013) East African rainfall and vegetation dynamics in response to a changing El Nino. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. p 12062

Lehnert LW, Meyer H, Meyer N, Reudenbach C, Bendix J (2013) Assessing pasture quality and degradation status using hyperspectral imaging: a case study from western Tibet. In: Proc. SPIE 8887, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XV, 88870I (16 October 2013).

Meyer H, Lehnert LW, Wang Y,  Reudenbach C, Bendix J (2013) Measuring pasture degradation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau using hyperspectral dissimilarities and indices. In: Proc. SPIE 8893, Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications IV, 88931F (October 24, 2013). p 88931F–88931F–13

Otte I, Appelhans T, Röder J, Nauss T, Brandl R (2013) Monitoring small-scale heterogeneity patterns in a savanna ecosystem at Mt. Kilimanjaro. In: TR32-Hobe Symposium poster presentation.

Otte I, Detsch Florian, Appelhans T, Nauss T (2013) Land-cover dynamics in the Mt. Kilimanjaro region as observed from remote sensing time series. In: AK Klima poster presentation.

Thies B, Meyer H., Bendix J (2011) Investigating and predicting land use/land cover changes in a tropical mountain forest of southern Ecuador. In: Conference of the society for tropical ecology, Frankfurt.

Curatola G, Thies B, Meyer H, Bendix J (2010) Land use change detection with multitemporal satellite data. In: Symposium of the DFG research unit 816 2010, Loja, Ecuador.

Göttlicher D, Dobbermann M, Nauss T, Bendix J (2010) Central data services in multidisciplinary environmental research projects - the data-management of the DFG Research Unit 816. In: Curdt C, Bareth G (eds) Proceedings of the Data Management Workshop, 29.-30.10.2009, Cologne. Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, pp 59–64

Thies B, Meyer H, Bendix J (2010a) Investigating and predicting land use/land cover changes in a tropical mountain forest of southern Ecuador. In: Jahrestreffen des AK Klima in Würzburg.

Appelhans T (2008) East African rainfall and vegetation dynamics in response to a changing El Niño. In: 32nd International Geographical Congress. 26 - 30 August 2012, Cologne, Germany.

Appelhans T (2008) Climate dynamics of the Kilimanjaro region: A field measurement campaign to investigate climatological drivers of a tropical montane ecosystem. In: 31st International Conference on Alpine Meteorology. 23 – 27 May 2011, Aviemore, Scotland.


Reber D, Fekadu M, Detsch F, Vogelsang R, Bekele T, Nauss T, Miehe G (2018) High-altitude rock shelters and settlements in an African alpine ecosystem: The Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia. data_UMR, Supplement to: Reber D et al. (2018) High-altitude rock shelters and settlements in an African alpine ecosystem: The Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia. Human Ecology 46: 587–600.

Gottwald J, Farwig N, Fries N, Lindner K, Ludwig M, Masello JF, Quillfeldt P, Reudenbach C, Rösner S, Nauss T (2019) Radiotracking campaign 2019 in Marburg Open Forest - raw data. data_UMR,

Meyer H, Katurji M, Detsch F, Morgan F, Nauss T, Roudier P, Zawar-Reza P (2019) AntAir: satellite-derived 1km daily Antarctic air temperatures since 2003-2016 (monthly means). PANGAEA,

Meyer H, Schmidt J, Detsch F, Nauss T (2018) Hourly gridded air temperatures of South Africa derived from MSG SEVIRI (2010-2014). PANGAEA, Supplement to: Meyer, H et al. (2019): Hourly gridded air temperatures of South Africa derived from MSG SEVIRI. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 78, 261-267,

Röder J, Detsch F, Otte I, Appelhans T, Nauss T, Peters MK, Brandl R (2016) Data from: Heterogeneous patterns of abundance of epigeic arthropod taxa along a major elevation gradient. Dryad, Supplement to: Röder J et al. (2017) Heterogeneous patterns of abundance of epigeic arthropod taxa along a major elevation gradient. Biotropica 49: 217–228.