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Gender, Diversity, Equity
Committee: Sören Becker, Jörg Bendix, Denise Hilfiker-Kleiner, Katrin Laakmann, Ann-Christine Link
In line with general efforts of Philipps University Marburg and Fulda University of Applied Sciences for promoting gender equity and preventing discrimination, the HABITAT project funds will be used to support female scientists and scientists with care responsibilities or special requirements. Specific
support measures are:
Research Leadership Program: Female early career researchers may apply for additional funding for small research projects related to the HABITAT research topics. Funding may cover time contingents for student assistants or technical support (i.e. medical Study Nurse Pool) or time contingents for bioinformatics or statistical support (core facilities) to support the research of female early career scientists and help them to gain experience in leading a small research team.
Student Assistant Program: Researchers with children and other domestic care responsibilities may apply for funding for student assistants to support their research within the project.
Conference Childcare Program: Early career researchers with childcare responsibilities are eligible to apply for funding for childcare expenditures during conferences or summer schools.
Conference Funding Program: Female early career researches can apply for travel costs support for accepted abstracts (oral presentations or posters) at national and international conferences of recognized academic, not-for-profit organizations. Proposals can be submitted by project members and contain a justification of the measure and a cost plan. The submission can be rendered any time but will be decided on the next Steering Committee Meeting which is taking place four times a year. If the proposal for gender funds is urgent it should be declared as such and will then be decided earlier.
For submission, please send an e-mail to the Gender Committee:
Beyond this, the HABITAT project is setting up an internal mentoring structure for female early career researcher and promotes their participation in activities of the Marburg Research Academy (MARA), the Else von Behring Mentoring programs for women and researchers with family responsibilities, and specific training programs in the field of anti-discrimination.