10th Nordic Geographers Meeting in Copenhagen on June 27th 2024
Prof. Dr. Sören Becker, a PI of the HABITAT Project, together with Dr. Susann Schäfer (University of Jena), organized a session on "Human Geographies of Health and Well-Being in the Context of Climate Change" at the 10th Nordic Geographers Meeting in Copenhagen on June 27th. Sören presented their study on perceptions of well-being within the context of climate change, aiming to develop a typology of urban citizens based on a household survey conducted in Marburg. Ann-Christine Link, a PhD student in the HABITAT project, presented three papers resulting from the HABITAT project, focusing on the interlinkage between weather and pneumonia hospitalizations in Germany, as well as the role of personal characteristics and comorbidities. Other contributors covered related issues in Italy, Spain and Colombia. The session attracted many participants and led to in-depth discussions on human geographic perspectives on this relevant topic.
European Geophysical Union (EGU) Conference 15. - 19.04.2024 in Vienna - Lecture by Ann-Christine Link and Michaela Schütz
Ann-Christine Link
Ann-Christine Link
Ann-Christine Link and Michaela Vorndran participated at the European Geopyhsical Union (EGU) Conference from 15th until 19th of April 2024 in Vienna. With 20,979 participants and 1044 sessions, the EGU is one of the largest geoscientific conferences in the world, covering topics such as "Climate and Health". A full 57% of the contributions at this conference came from Early Career Scientists, including Michaela and Ann-Christine, who successfully represented the HABITAT team. Michaela presented the research results of her doctoral thesis on the short-term prediction of fog events using machine learning models. She has been a member of the HABITAT team since March and can now profitably contribute her knowledge to the development of the model behind the HABIAT health app. Ann-Christine presented the impact of weather effects on pneumonia cases in Germany. Pneumonia is an acute or chronic inflammation of the lung tissue that occurs in COPD patients and whose severity is influenced by the current weather conditions. COPD patients form one of a total of three groups that are to receive individualized warnings via the planned health app as part of HABITAT in order to reduce episodes of illness in the best case scenario and make everyday life with the disease easier for them. The presentations met with great interest and were each attended by around 100 participants. There was a lively exchange with many interested scientists to discuss the results of Ann-Christine and Michaela, HABITAT and the topic of "climate and health" in general.
64th Congress by DGP 20. - 23.03.2024 in Mannheim - Lecture Prof. Dr. Schmeck