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    This year, the ProLOEWE network is celebrating the Day of Women and Girls in Science together with female scientists from the funded LOEWE projects. With the photos we show how many women are already working in a wide variety of areas and positions in LOEWE basic research in Hessen. In this way, we would like to encourage many more girls and women to find their way into science. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science was established by the United Nations General Assembly on December 22, 2015. Since then, it has been celebrated annually on February 11 to recognize the crucial role that girls and women play in science and technology. This day promotes the advancement of women and girls in science, with the aim of giving them full and equal access to participate in scientific activities. At the international level, UNESCO and UN-Women organize the annual celebrations in collaboration with partners and civil society.

  • Summer School: 23. and 24.09.24
    • 23.09. morning: Introduction to Germany's health care system (Prof. Geraedts)
    • 23.09. afternoon: Healthcare Hackatron (Prof. Kuhn)
    • 24.09. all day: Healthcare Hackatron
    • Additional information will follow!
  • Symposium on the personalized medicine of COPD

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