Main Content
Subproject A
Subproject A-1: Weather and environmental data
The aim of the subproject is to obtain and process weather and environmental data for the various analyses.
For this purpose, freely available point data and spatial raster data on climate and environmental factors must be processed and edited.
Click here for the corresponding data page.
Subproject A-2: Medical data collection
The subproject is concerned with the availability and collection of retrospective and prospective data on the occurrence of the selected diseases. Individual characteristics that contribute to the course of the disease are also collected.
Subproject A-3: Analysing weather and environmental effects on disease progression
This sub-project is concerned with the effects of weather and environmental factors on the development and manifestations of the three diseases under consideration as well as the interactions between weather and environmental conditions and personal characteristics. For this purpose, extended analyses are carried out that take into account various weather and environmental factors together, include personal characteristics and consider the spatio-temporal dynamics of weather and environmental conditions.
Subproject A-4: Pathomechanisms
The question of which pathomechanisms are responsible for the dependence of the course of the disease on weather and environmental influences and how the further course of the disease is influenced is investigated.
The data collected in A-2 and the findings from A-3 on the links between weather and environmental factors and the course of the disease are used here.
Subproject A-5: Forecast model
The content of this subproject is the use of machine learning methods to create forecasting models for disease progression and hospital admissions in relation to the three diseases under consideration as a function of weather and environmental factors. The plan is to forecast the risks of disease
episodes in real time with a prediction for the next three days. The forecasting models created form the basis for subproject B-1.