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Subproject B
Subproject B-1: Real-time individual and demand forecasting
Here, we are investigating which models are suitable for the real-time prediction of disease progression depending on weather and environmental factors and personal characteristics. Real-time data on weather and environmental conditions must also be made available in real time and processed accordingly.
Finally, appropriate forecasting models for the climate diagnosis (sub-project B-3) and the planning of the supply system (sub-project B-4) will be made available.
Subproject B-2: Needs analysis and user experience
The subproject looks at the expectations, needs and requirements of an individualised climate-DiGA on the part of users and medical staff. It analyses how the acceptance of the app and its effect on user behaviour can be optimised. For this we also consider the experience of international best-practice cases in this field.
Subproject B-3: Application development and prototype implementation
This subproject is concerned with the design of the Climate-DiGA in accordance with the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Subproject B-4: Real-time supply planning
This sub-project examines the possibilities of planning supply facilities and their capacities in the Marburg / Fulda area based on the forecasts.
For this purpose, anonymised data donations from regional research practices are also used and cooperation is maintained with hospitals, emergency services, nursing services and care facilities.