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About us

The Mineralogical Museum of the Philipps-Universität Marburg is unique throughout Hesse and is one of the most renowned museums of its kind in Germany. Since the Department of Earth Sciences was closed in 2007, the Mineralogical Museum has been part of Geography (FB 19), and is run by a team, since March 2020 lead by Dr. Sebastian Müller.
You can reach us:
Director of the Mineralogical Museum
Dr. Sebastian Müller
Tel: 06421 28-22257
Fax: 06421 28-27077
Museum counter and store
Tel: 06421 28-22244
Fax: 06421 28-27077
The numerous donors and benefactors - for example, the "Freundeskreis des Marburger Mineralogischen Museums e.V." (Friends of the Marburg Mineralogical Museum), founded in 1990 - also play a significant role in the museum's continued existence. The association, which now has around 240 members, aims not only to support the museum with donations in cash and kind, but above all to raise its profile through high-profile events such as the annual gold panning for children.