28.02.2024 New project: LOEWE Exploration

University of Marburg scores five times with high-risk research
Philipps-Universität receives approvals for projects in cancer medicine, chemistry, neuroscience, psychology and drug research
Philipps-Universität has acquired no fewer than five research projects in the Hessian ‘LOEWE Exploration’ funding line, which finances high-risk projects.
The spectrum of proposals for new research projects with which Marburg working groups successfully participated in the current round of the Hessian state excellence initiative ‘LOEWE’ ranges from fighting cancer to brain research, from chemistry to nurosciens.
One of the project is Prof. Hantschel´s:
‘Degradobodies’ project targets inaccessible cancer genes
How can proteins that lead to the development of cancer be removed from cancer cells?
The ‘Degradobodies - cell-penetrating monobodies for the degradation of oncogenic transcription processes’ project is investigating this question. The project led by biochemist Professor Dr Oliver Hantschel is being funded with 299,000 euros.
Cancer is caused by changes in the genetic material of the cell, so-called oncogenes. As a result, cells divide uncontrollably and tumours develop. Since 2000, new drugs that bind to oncogenes and block their signalling have been approved for the treatment of cancer patients. Over the past ten years, two-armed molecules have been developed that block oncogenes with one arm and initiate their destruction in cancer cells with the second arm. This new approach has not yet led to an approved drug and can only be used for a few oncogenes.
The team in the ‘Degradobodies’ project is trying to solve this problem by using antibody-like proteins, so-called monobodies. These can be developed quickly and cost-effectively against any oncogene. The research group will couple monobodies to a second molecule, which will then initiate the destruction of the oncogene - a potentially groundbreaking new approach that can be used to combat a large number of currently inaccessible oncogenes.
Professor Dr. Oliver Hantschel, Institut für Physiologische Chemie
Tel.: 06421 28-25045
E-Mail: oliver.hantschel@uni-marburg.de