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Students interested in preparing a bachelor or master thesis in our institue, plaese contact the group leaders, respectively.

We teach in the degree programs Human Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (B. Sc./M. Sc.) offering practical courses, lectures, and seminars. The following courses are offered by or in participation of the Institute for Lung Research:

  • Precision Medicine (Systemmedizin)

    Presicion Medicine - From molecular medicine to clinical practice (Human Medicine - optional course/Wahlfach)
    Systems Medicine - From sequencing and bioinformatics to precision medicine (Human Biology - specialization module/Vertiefungsmodul)

    New research (sequencing, robotics, bioinformatics) and biotechnology methods (biologicals, synthetic biology) enable a more precise and quantitative insight into disease processes (systems biology) as well as targeted and personalized forms of therapy (precision medicine). Both together form Systems Medicine.
    Students will become familiar with techniques and applications of next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics analyses, mathematical modelling, automation platforms, and synthetic biology. They acquire basic and in-depth knowledge of important strategies, techniques, challenges, and opportunities of Systems Medicine using clinical examples from the fields of inflammation and tumour. They learn to process current original literature and to recognize discussed case studies in clinical rounds.
    This is a theoretical module in which students should acquire basic and in-depth knowledge of central aspects of systems medicine and their clinical relevance.

  • Infection and Immunity in Research and Clinics (Strategien der Infektionserreger und der Immunantwort an ausgewählten Beispielen)

    Human Biology - specialization module/Vertiefungsmodul
    This seminar is offered in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Markus Schnare, Institute for Immunology.

    Students will acquire basic and advanced knowledge of key aspects of pathogen-host interactions and their clinical relevance. Special emphasis will be placed on the manipulation of the host by the pathogen and on the competition between host and pathogen for scarce resources. They learn to process current original literature and to recognize discussed case studies in clinical rounds.

  • Clinical and Molecular Pulmonology

  • Molecular and Clinical Infection Biology

    Human Biology - elective module/Wahlpflichtmodul

    Students will acquire practical skills and methodological/theoretical knowledge in currently relevant medical areas of molecular infection biology. Subjects  will include an understanding of mechanisms involved in the pathogenicity of major bacterial pathogens, host countermeasures, and termination of the inflammatory response with tissue regeneration.  In detail, intracellular regulatory networks of host and pathogen, in particular small RNAs (miRNA/sRNA) and their analysis using recent sequencing methods and epigenetics, will be discussed.

    The course comprises a practical part (8 weeks) and a seminar (2 SWS).

For further information on studying, please visit our German page.