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Scientific projects research group Andrea Maisner

Distribution and transmission routes of Nipah viruses

Nipah virus replication cycle (model described in Ringel et al., 2019)
Nipah viruses can be transmitted from fruit bats (virus reservoir) to humans via intermediate hosts such as pigs, or via contaminated food. After successful spillover, Nipah viruses cause severe systemic disease with respiratory symptoms and encephalitis in animals and humans. The zoonotic potential and high pathogenicity of the viruses are due in part to the fact that they replicate rapidly and productively in many host cell types, evading host defenses. The strategies that Nipah viruses use to accomplish this are only partially understood. The goal of our research is to elucidate the replication of Nipah viruses in host cells at the molecular level to better understand species-specific differences and to identify viral or cellular factors as potential targets for new therapeutic approaches.