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Recent Publications

  • Braymer, J.J., Freibert, S.A., Rakwalska-Bange, M., Lill, R. Mechanistic concepts of iron-sulfur protein biogenesis in Biology. BBA Mol. Cell Res. 1868, 118863.
  • Muehlenhoff, U., Braymer, J.J., Christ, S., Rietzschel, N., Uzarska, M.A., Weiler, B.D., Lill, R. (2020) Glutaredoxins and iron-sulfur protein biogenesis at the interface of redox biology and iron metabolism. Biol. Chem. 401, 1407-1428. 
  • Braymer, J.J., Stümpfig, M., Thelen, S., Mühlenhoff, U., & Lill, R. (2019). Depletion of thiol reducing capacity impairs cytosolic but not mitochondrial iron-sulfur protein assembly machineries. BBA Mol. Cell Res. 1866, 240-251.
  • Braymer, J.J., & Winge, D.R. (2018). Sulfur from Within: Cytosolic tRNA Thiouridinylation Cell Chem. Biol. 25, 645-647.
  • Braymer, J.J., & Lill R. (2017). Iron-Sulfur Cluster Biogenesis and Trafficking in Mitochondria. J. Biol. Chem. 292, 12754-12763.

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