Current projects
Here you will find a selection of all the studies in which members of the Movement Disorders and Neuromodulation Working Group are involved, sorted by study title. Further details can be found in the thematic priorities.
Connectivity of the rhinencephalon in iPD-patients Investigation of the connectivity pattern of the olfactory brain in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease
Efficiency of mobile sensor measurements in Parkinson's disease Efficiency of mobile sensor measurements in Parkinson's disease
emotions DBS Changes in affect, impulsivity and emotion recognition through deep brain stimulation in idiopathic Parkinson's disease
ET_EEG Sensorimotor networks in essential tremor
ET-Eye Investigation of oculomotor dysfunction in essential tremor and its neurophysiological basis
imagGaitDBS Kinetographic analysis of gait dynamics under low-frequency, image-guided deep brain stimulation in patients with Parkinson's disease
iCARE-PD iCARE-PD - Integrated Parkinson's Disease Networks Designing Complex Care for Parkinson's Disease Patients nowadays
ISA_DBS Assessing self-perception of motor symptoms in Parkinson's patients with deep brain stimulation
fPET-based metabolic connectivity and cognition in Parkinson's disease patients fPET-based metabolic connectivity and cognition in Parkinson's disease patients
mHealth-PD Between empowerment and new barriers - ethical, legal, social and medical implications of mHealth technologies in the use of patients with Parkinson's syndrome
Molecular connectivity of dopamine neurons Molecular connectivity of dopamine neurons in the nigrostriatal system
Multimodal evaluation of the complex therapy of Parkinson's disease Study to assess the effectiveness of Parkinson's complex treatment on motor symptoms using inertial measurement units (IMU)
Palliative care in neurolog The role of the neurologist in primary palliative care: A qualitative study of perceptions, challenges and potentials
ParkProReakt Proactive instead of reactive symptom recognition in Parkinson's patients (ParkProReakt)
PDperOS Relationship between periodontitis and Parkinson's disease
Perception of safety of PD-patients Quantitative study on the perception of safety of patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (iPD)
Physiotherapy in Parkinson's disease
Pro-PSP Prospektive Studie Demographie, klinisches Erscheinungsbild, Verlauf und Biomarker Progressive Supranukleäre Blickparese
Predicting symptom severity of Parkinson's disease remotely Analysis of patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease performing the UPDRS in the ON and OFF state using an infrared camera.
retroDBS Retrospective comparison of different segmentations of the subthalamic nucleus on symptom control by deep brain stimulation" (retroDBS)
Resting-state EEG in DBS-patients Resting state EEG in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease and chronic Deep Brain Stimulation
Resting-state functional PET Metabolic changes at rest in people with idiopathic Parkinson's disease measured with different functional imaging modalities.
tremorDBS Relationship between improvement of Parkinson's disease tremor and exact location of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) in the Subthalamic nucleus
tVNS-PD Influence of transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation on non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease
verciseDBS (iPS) Registry of Deep Brain Stimulation With the VERCISE™ System: Vercise DBS Registry
HessenKohorte2042 HessenKohorte2042 - A prospective, longitudinal cohort study of people with Parkinson's disease