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Impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on the care situation of Parkinson's disease patients in Germany - Opportunities for and through telemedicine


This research project investigates the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the care of people with Parkinson's disease (PD) in Germany. The study used data collected through a questionnaire developed by an international PD consortium ( and distributed in partner countries. By analysing access to care before the pandemic, the research aimed to identify changes resulting from the pandemic and related regulations, particularly in relation to PD patients. The project highlighted the potential of telehealth services, such as digital visits, as a vital alternative for patients during periods of restricted access to conventional care structures. It also highlights the role of telehealth services in the further development of integrated care networks.

The study provides indications of which factors are important for the perception of good health care even in times of crisis:

  • Regionality
  • good accessibility
  • competent service providers


  • van Munster, M., Prinz, M. R., Crighton, E., Mestre, T., & Pedrosa, D. J. Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Perceived Access and Quality of Care in German People with Parkinsonism. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 900.
  • A summary of the scientific results in simple language was published in the 1st issue 2023 of the member journal of a German patient support group (Deutsche Parkinson Vereinigung, e.V.).


Mr. Marcel Printz
Telefone: 06421/58 - 65299
Telefax: 06421/58 - 67055

Mrs. Marlena van Munster, M.Sc.
Telefone: 06421/58 - 65299
Telefax: 06421/58 - 67055

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