Here you can find an overview of all the facilities in our department.
Noninvasive brain stimulation is of great interest to clinicians and researchers, given its unique opportunities in studying the brain and improving its functioning.
The Core Facility provides technical expertise and administrative support to scientists at the University of Marburg and its collaboration partners to plan and conduct neuroscience MR imaging studies in humans.
We use combined expertise from three different angles: advanced neuroimaging protocols, advanced computational tools, and clinical expertise.
EEG and combined EEG-fMRI had been implemented for a series of studies ranging from linguistic processing, action outcome perception to fear conditioning.
Electroconvulsive therapy is the most effective treatment for treatment-resistant patients. Brief electrical stimulation of the brain via two electrodes triggers an epileptic seizure. The benefit-to-risk ratio for ECT is exceptionally good.
To investigate action related predictive mechanisms we developed different devices to induce passive hand and finger movements in tDCS, EEG and fMRI studies.
The Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy has its own modern wet research laboratory to ensure a close link between basic neuropsychiatric research and clinical research projects.