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Paula Usemann
Research Fellow · PhD Candidate · Translational Psychiatry
Phone: +49 6421 58-65200
Rudolf-Bultmann-Straße 8
35039 Marburg
Research Interests
Genes & Gene-Environment Interaction, Chronic Stress, Protective Factors (especially Emotion Regulation and Sense of Coherence), Therapist Effects in Psychotherapy Research, Network Analysis.
Scientific Career
Since 11/2021 PhD Student at the Research Group for Translational Psychiatry, Philipps University Marburg
Research on Genetics and Epigenetics in Relation to Psychopathology and Chronic Stress; Network Analysis
06/2019 - 09/2021 Student & Research Assistant at the Department of Differential Psychology and Psychodiagnostics, University of Saarland
Research on Therapeutic Competence & the Therapist Effect; Network Analysis
12/2020 - 03/2021 Research Intern at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich
Research on Trauma Characteristics of the BeCOME-Study Cohort
11/2015 - 03/2017 Student Assistant at the Chair of General Psychology and Methodology, University of Saarland
Working with EEG & MRT in the Context of Memory and Binding-Effects
Since 10/2021 Psychotherapist in Training (Depth Psychology) at the HafenCity Institute for Psychotherapy, Hamburg
10/2018-04/2021 M.Sc. Psychology (Majors: Clinical Neuropsychology & Rehabilitation, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, Applied Social Psychology), Saarland University
10/2014-10/2017 B.Sc. Psychology, Saarland University
Affiliated Projects