Open position for PhD student Announcement available in German only
PhD-Projects about wound closure
JCS First Person Interview with Franziska Lehne
How cells empty themselves Team from the Department of Medicine reveals the molecular mechanism of the exocrine secretion. (This article is available in German only)
Two cooperative binding sites sensitize PI(4,5)P 2 recognition by the tubby domain This article is available in German only
Calcium Bursts drive Cells to Wound Closure A team from the faculty of Medicine shows how the cytoskeleton reacts to tissue injuries. (This article is available in German only)
New Research Unit FOR 5046
New Publication in Nature
Switch Mechanism Controls Sensations of Pain International research team describes molecular interactions in cells that process pain stimuli
Filopodia-Based Contact Stimulated Collective Migration A newly discovered mechanism of cellular communication explains the collective migration of cells.
New Insights on the Social Behavior of Myotubes
Grant for Dr. K. Rust from the P. E. Kempkes Foundation
What Drives the Macrophage to the Wound? Team from the School of Medicine of the University Marburg identifies the molecule that directs the movement of macrophages
JCS First Person Interview with Alexander Hirschhäuser
Grant for Kirsty Vowinkel from the Behring-Röntgen-Foundation. Content available in German only! Von Behring-Röntgen-Stiftung unterstützt acht wissenschaftliche Projekte in Gießen und Marburg, zu ihnen gehört ein Forschungsprojekt von Kirsty Vowinkel.
Morbus Parkinson: Active Ion Channels appease Brain Cells. Content available in German only! Elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen eröffnen neue Wege, um Parkinsonkrankheit im Frühstadium zu bekämpfen
Dr. V. Renigunta participates in the LOEWE Priority Programme CoroPan Dr. Vijayaram Renigunta from the Department Neurophysiology, headed by Prof. Dr. D. Oliver, participates in the new LOEWE Priority Programme CoroPan
Single-cell transcriptomics identifies new blood cell populations in Drosophila
Two DFG-Research Groups at Marburg University (available in German only) Lipidtröpfchen und Transportproteine im Fokus zweier medizinischer Arbeitsgruppen
(Available in German only) Molekulare Bremse in der Wundheilung entdeckt Marburger Forschungsgruppe untersucht, wie sich Schnittwunden allmählich wieder verschließen