Main Content
PerMed-COPD is the initiative of a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, experimentalists, computer scientists, patient representatives, and a medium-sized company.
Platform Coordination

Prof. Dr. Claus Vogelmeier
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Center for Internal Medicine (Pulmonology)
Scientific Coordinator & PI Molecular Biomarkers

Prof. Dr. Bernd T. Schmeck
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Institute for Lung Research
Administrative Coordinator

Dr. Ute Noack
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Institute for Lung Research
Principle Investigators (PIs)
For complete information on the scientists involved in PerMed-COPD, please check the subprojects, respectively.

apl. Prof. Dr. Peter Alter
Subproject Therapeutic Study
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Center for Internal Medicine (Pulmonology)

Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Behr
Subproject Therapeutic Study
Medical Clinic and Outpatient Department V

Prof. Dr. Dominik Heider
Subproject Molecular Biomarkers
Universität Münster
Institute for Medical Informatics

Prof. Dr. med. Felix Herth
Subproject Therapeutic Study
Karl-Ruprechts-Universität Heidelberg
Thorax Clinic

Prof. Dr. Rolf Holle
Subproject Implementation Analysis
Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry, and Epidemiology (IBE)

Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Ulrich Kauczor, M. D.
Subproject QCT Imaging Core Unit
Karl-Ruprechts-Universität Heidelberg
Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (Translational Lung Research Center Heidelberg)

Tina Schleicher
Subproject Clinical Decision Support System
Labvantage Biomax GmbH

Prof. Dr. Johannes Schumacher
Subproject Molecular Biomarkers
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Center for Human Genetics

PD Dr med. Natascha Sommer, PhD
Subproject Therapeutic Study
Justus-von-Liebig Universität Giessen
Research Group Mitochondrial Physiology and Pathology of the Lung
Project Contributors
IVD Advisor

Joachim Wienbeck
Principal Software Engineer
Myriad genetics
Patients' Representative

Marion Wilkens
Gesellschaft für Alpha1-Mangel-Erkrankte e. V. (Alpha1 Deutschland e. V.)