29.10.2024 Towards a personalized medicine of COPD

Kick-off Symposium for the PerMed-COPD Platform

Figure: Timna Sara Bedenbender

The kick-off meeting for our PerMed-COPD platform took place on February 9th, 2023 in Marburg. Start of the interesting program was an address of welcome from Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Schmeck to the more than 50 participants. The morning lectures covered recent developments in lung research, focusing particularly on COPD. These presentations not only attracted the attention of the national and international researchers present, but in addition that of physicians from local clinics.

In the afternoon, the goals and approaches of different subprojects of the PerMed-COPD platform as well as their relation with other subprojects were introduced and discussed in detail.


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