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About the Graduate Program
Graduate students will gain theoretical background in research areas such as embryonic development, metastasis, tissue homeostasis and repair which have important implications for complex diseases. Added value of the qualification program is generated by a combination of (1) excellent state-of-the-art methods, (2) powerful model systems and (3) the local repertoire of core facilities. Students get familiar with varying types of tissue cultures and assays for the in vitro establishment of tissues including migration assays. This allows the application of pharmacological approaches and RNA knockdown strategies in combination with live-cell imaging to study migration and establishment of transient and more stable adhesive structures as well as their plasticity. Further, in vivo studies in Drosophila, Xenopus, zebrafish and mouse model systems provide students with genetic (forward, reverse and transgenic) and cell biological expertise (explants, transplants, lineage labeling). These approaches are combined with advanced imaging tools (confocal, spinning-disk and super-resolution microscopy, 3D reconstruction). Furthermore, protein interactions will be studied using protein biochemistry and live-cell imaging techniques (photoactivation, conversion, SPLIT-YFP, fluorescent lipid sensors, FRET, FRAP). Functional relevance in particular for neuronal synapses will be studied by electrophysiological techniques (patch-clamp) complementing the expertise.

Furthermore, the curriculum offers soft skill, management and teaching modules structured by a credit system combined with an innovative mentoring concept. Thus, this unique combination opens numerous career possibilities, and early contacts to scientists with successful careers inside and outside of academia will be strongly supported.
In addition to our own workshops and seminars we encourage our graduate and associate graduate students to participate in the programs offered by UMR HR department, MARA and HDM to develop transferable skills in several fields according to the individual career planning.
- MARA means MArburg University Research Academy and has a focus on graduate and post graduate researchers and their careers.
MARA Homepage - The human rescources deptartment of the UMR provides an overview over the workshop and seminar programs offered by the UMR, other regional universities and administrational facilities.
UMR HR Dept. Homepage - HDM - Hochschuldidaktisches Netzwerk Mittelhessen focuses on supporting the education of future teachers and their additional on-the-job qualification. Quite some seminars and workshops are still very helpful in the scientific education of our early-stage researchers and open to UMR members.
HDM Homepage