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Calendar of Activities:

Tea Sessions, Guest Lectures and Other GRK-Events 2017

Please find here the link to our google calendar. You may link this calendar with your own to keep posted.

Tea Sessions/Mentoring

Venue: Alte Bibliothek (FB 17, B1313)
starting time: 5:00 p.m.

Date Speaker
16th/17th Jan. during Retreat
9th February David Apel, Laura Soto Hinjosa
Extra: 9th/10th March Ladies' Science Club
9th March LSC
6th April Reeta Daswani, Maik Bischoff
4th Mai Marlen Breuer, Chen Jiang
1st June Stefanie Lübke, Elisabeth Loresch
Fri 9th June Career Coaching Day
program tba,
venue: "kleiner Hörsaal, FB 17"
Karl-von-Frisch-Strasse 10, ehemaliges MPI, No: 00001 (KL HS)
29th June Mengnan Li, Lena Hoffmann
double session
13th July
Fatemeh Mirzapour Shafiyi, Karina Ringer
5th October Raymond Thata, Felix Schneider
9th November (organisational) student assembly
7th December Claudia Kissling (MARA)
14th December
venue: tba
Career Coaching Day, tba
Season’s Get Together

Guest Lectures/Seminars

Venue: kleiner Hörsaal* (FB 17)
ehemaliges MPI, No: 00001 (KL HS)
starting time: 5:00 p.m.

Date Speaker
26th January
23rd February

Prof. Dr. Arno Müller

The Multifunctional MAST Kinase Drop out in Drosophila: All down to a single substrate?

abstract (PDF)
Extra! 2nd March Stefan Kins
"Trans-cellular dimerization of the Amyloid Precursor Protein is regulated by metal binding"
abstract (PDF)
23rd March Dr. Kerstin Bartscherer

"Go ahead, grow a head!
Exploring the mechanisms of regeneration initiation"

abstract (PDF)

20th April

starting time
4:00 pm

double session: seminar and guest lecture

Prof. Dr. Susanne Önel, tba
Seminar day and podium discussion: Plagiarism

Dr. Masanori Nakayama, MPI BN
“Light and Dark sides of aPKC"
abstract (PDF)

18th May Dr. Gergana Dobreva, MPI BN
”Transcriptional and epigenetic control of heart development”
abstract (PDF)

Wed. 14th June

(Thursday holiday)

PD Dr. Alexandra Schambony, FAU Erlangen
“Robinow Syndrome – a planar polarity disease"
abstract (PDF)

13th July Thomas Braun, MPI BN
term's end BBQ
Tu 19th Sept. 

Scott H. Soderling, Ph.D.

"Actin remodeling in synapse development and disease”
abstract (PDF)

19th October
Room: großer Hörsaal
Prof. Dr. Klaudia Giehl, JLU Gießen
“Ras - a well known oncogene, but still invincible”
abstract (PDF)
30th November
4:00 pm !
Room: großer Hörsaal
Prof. Dr. Carien Niessen, CECAD Uni Köln
double feature

Gender/Mentoring: Networking, role models, mentoring

Guest Lecture: "Adhesion and polarity signaling in making, maintaining and restoring epithelial barriers" abstract (PDF)

RETREAT 2018: January 17th and 18th in Kloster-Bursfelde in Hannoversch Münden-OT Bursfelde
