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User Stories of a State Initiative: Needs for Interdisciplinary Research Data Management on a Local and Regional Level

Compilation of the State Initiative HeFDI – Hessian Research Data Infrastructures
As of July 2021
1. Introduction
2. Collection of prototypical User Stories
1. Introduction
The aim of this presentation is to develop prototypical user stories based on previous consulting cases and direct contacts with members of the HeFDI universities. These user stories serve the following purposes:
- services can be continuously aligned with needs
- locally articulated needs can be made visible
- It can be made clear for which cases the local service points are or can be responsible.
- creating an initial definition of local and regional, interdisciplinary offers in comparison to subject-oriented nationwide offers (NFDI consortia) and at the same time, keeping an eye on intersections.
The user stories are intended to articulate the views of the users, i.e., the researchers and, if applicable, the teaching staff at the HeFDI universities. This presentation does not claim to be representative but is based on the saturated experience of around 300 consultation cases per year at the eleven HeFDI universities. Likewise, no claim is made to completeness. However, we presume that the condensed presentation of the prototypical cases advised at the local service points provides a sufficient picture of the needs. The document will be continuously adapted according to the current status.
2. Collection of Prototypical User Stories
No. | In my role as... (ROLE) | ... I would like to..., (WISH/CONCERN) | ... to... (PURPOSE) |
1 |
In my role as a professor in the historically working humanities |
I would like to maintain the database and the internet portal on historical documents that my staff has built up in the long term |
... in order to preserve the carefully and professionally prepared and visible texts for our researchers here as well as for the professional community in the long term, including the surface/visualisation. |
2 |
In my role as a professor who, together with others, applies for a DFG post graduate programme, |
I would like to know which elements, approaches and (training) units on research data management I should include in the application |
... to offer the future doctoral students of the post graduate programme up-to-date training in data management, to plan sufficient resources for this and to submit an application that has a high chance of success. |
3 |
In my role as a research assistant |
I would like to write a BMBF application and get support in formulating the RDM paragraph and the DMP |
... to receive funding. |
4 |
In my role as a research assistant |
I would like to opt for an electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) |
... to professionalise my research data management. |
5 |
In my role as a researcher conducting quantitative research in schools, |
I would like to have a software available with which data records can be entered in a file by different people |
... in order to minimise the input and the error rate in the transmission of questionnaires as much as possible. |
6 |
In my role as a scientist conducting research in schools, |
I would like to have a software available for conducting online surveys and managing data at the same time |
... to be able to conduct and evaluate online surveys. |
7 |
In my role as a professor of economics |
I would like to offer a training on research data management through my professorship |
... so that students of economics can develop appropriate competencies. |
8 |
In my role as PI of a research project |
I would like to have software with differentiated rights management available, |
... so that I can share my current research data collaboratively with my colleagues. |
9 |
In my role as a young scientist |
I would like to have concepts at my disposal as well as supporting software |
... to be able to structure my research project so that others can quickly find their way around my project, just as I want to quickly find my way around other projects. |
10 |
In my role as a scientist |
I would like to be able to version and mark up my research data and research software |
... in order to also publish the correct database in a publication. |
11 |
In my role as a doctoral student in the field of health |
I would like to scan informed consent forms for the processing of sensitive personal data within the infrastructure of the university in a technically secure manner |
... so as not to violate data protection requirements. |
12 |
In my role as a doctoral student in Applied Computer Science |
I would like to put a non-disclosure notice on my research data created within the framework of an industry cooperation |
... to adhere to the confidentiality agreement with the company and to patent the processes based on the research data. |
13 |
In my role as coordinating professor of a BMBF project with several universities |
I would like to receive up-to-date information on data protection according to the GDPR, BDSG (German Federal Data Protection Act) and the relevant state data protection laws |
... to process the personal data collected in the project in accordance with the currently valid data protection regulations in a legally compliant manner. |
14 |
In my role as an applicant for a project |
I would like to know which RDM guidelines apply to me at the university and in my subject area |
... to be able to submit the application correctly. |
15 |
In my role as a professor of economics and business administration |
I would like to know how I can re-use data from a data centre and which internal workflow is necessary for approval |
... to be able to use the data as a basis for research |
16 |
In my role as a research assistant/doctoral student |
I would like to receive a DOI for my research data as soon as possible |
... to be able to complete a scientific publication in a journal |
17 |
In my role as a research assistant |
I would like to submit a research proposal |
... to digitise our analogue lab books. What metadata am I compelled to collect? |
18 |
In my role as project coordinator |
am to identify the advantages and disadvantages of different ELNs for the field of medicine and need literature and examples for this |
... to be able to make a decision on the use of a tool. |
19 |
In my role as a research assistant |
I came across the local RDMO and would like to know which questionnaire to use for my project, |
... to be able to create a suitable data management plan for my research sponsor and project group. |
20 |
In my role as a doctoral candidate |
I want (and need) to look at data publications in my subject and need good practice examples, |
... to find out how and where data in my field can be published. |
21 |
In my role as an applicant for a third-party funded project |
I am supposed to include a short section on RDM in the application |
... to meet the requirements for research funding. |
22 |
In my role as a professor of law |
I do not produce research data and am contacting the RDM team |
... to find out how I should proceed with the section on research data in the DFG application. |
23 |
In my role as research group leader |
I would like to organise an RDM training for the whole group |
... to consolidate basic knowledge of FAIR principles and data organisation. |
24 |
In my role as coordinator of a Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) |
I am supposed to establish a draft for an internal RDM policy |
... to organise data management within our SFB. |
25 |
In my role as a doctoral candidate |
I would like to create a data protection concept for my (sensitive) personal data |
... to submit it together with my research proposal to the local ethics committee. |
26 |
In my role as a social scientist |
I would like to ask for support in publishing my qualitative data |
... to ensure that there is no breach of data protection rights. |
27 |
In my role as a scientist |
I would like to ask for support with the publication of my data |
... to provide the data for a (journal) publication. |
28 |
In my role as a researcher in an international working group |
I would like to send individual large files |
... to be able to cooperate internationally on the same data set. |
29 |
In my role as professor emeritus |
I would like to retroactively edit and publish old data records |
... to make the data available for follow-up research. |
30 |
In my role as a historical linguist |
I would like to curate old books and manuscripts with TEI P5 |
... in order to subsequently carry out computer-linguistic and text-technological analyses |
31 |
In my role as a doctoral candidate in economics |
I would like to create questionnaires that are re-usable with the DDI metadata standard |
... in order to make them available to other interested parties. |
32 |
In my role as spokesperson/PI of a large research group.. |
I would like to be able to safely store the large and heterogeneous amounts of data in the research group, use them reciprocally, and process them properly (computing capacities) |
... in order to comply with the DFG Code, to submit the most promising proposal possible and to facilitate even better, innovative research |
33 |
In my role as a researcher |
I would like to be able to conduct interviews or surveys with vulnerable groups in crisis research contexts |
... without putting them at risk through the survey/data. |
34 |
In my role as a researcher in a particular discipline |
I would like to ask for references to subject-specific information on RDM |
... to prepare and save my data according to the subject-specific standards. |
35 |
In my role as a researcher in the social sciences |
I need secure storage space and information about the backups |
... in order to be able to work according to scientific standards and also provide relevant information (e.g., in data management plans). |