30.10.2023 HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 03 November 2023, 11-12h: "The NFDI4Earth (National Research Data Infrastructure for the Earth System Sciences): conception, execution & examples" (EN)

As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr. Dominik Hezel will present the The NFDI4Earth consortium (National Research Data Infrastructure for the Earth System Sciences): conception, execution & examples, on Friday, 03 November 2023, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.

Video: Hessian Research Data Infrastructures (HeFDI), License: CC BY 4.0, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCGVMyxz4xc, Bildquelle: Canva und Colourbox

Feel free to follow our Youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@He_FDI
The presentation slides are published here: https://zenodo.org/records/10074524

The online event is free of charge; click here to register. With the registration you will receive the access data, which are valid for all talks of our bi-weekly series. The talk will be held in English.

The NFDI4Earth started almost 2 years ago, is one of the largest NFDI consortia, and comprises all domains of the Earth System Sciences (ESS), e.g., the deep Earth, marine sciences, climatology, geography, geoinformatics, or planetology in general. A core product, through which the NFDI4Earth severs the community, is the OneStop4All, a web page that addresses the needs of the researchers on all levels. This webpage is currently in the last stages of internal reviews and will go live in the first half of 2024. The second core product are ways for all researchers to participate in the NFDI4Earth: Interest Groups form by initiative of ESS researchers e.g., for high performance computing or research software, the Academy for early career scientists that organises e.g., networking meetings or hackathons, funding for topical research data management (RDM) projects as a pilot, incubator, or an educational theme, and online ESS training material through its EduTrain. The connection of the NFDI to state initiatives such as HeFDI is vital for the increasingly important field of RDM. We will present how the NFDI4Earth works, provide an example from a pilot, and report on the progress of a joint project with HeFDI that uses Jupyter Notebooks. The latter are becoming a quasi standard for code exchange. Ways to use Jupyter Notebooks even more quickly and conveniently via JupyterHubs are currently investigated.

Speaker: Dr. Dominik Hezel, Goethe University Frankfurt (Institute for Geosciences) & PhD student Tamanna, Goethe University Frankfurt

Chair: Maria Kiefer, HeFDI Coordination Office

Our HeFDI Data Talks are a bi-weekly open information and discussion event series on current topics, offers and services in the field of research data management. The Data Talks take place every second Friday (even calendar weeks) from 11-12h as a web conference.
Click here for the program overview. You can directly register for the Data Talk series here.

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