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HeFDI Data Talks

Foto: / robuart

General information and registration

The HeFDI Data Talks are a bi-weekly open information and discussion event series on current topics, offers and services in the field of research data management. Currently, our Data Talks are under construction, to meet actual needs of the community.

About the HeFDI Data Talks

As a regular lecture format, the HeFDI Data Talks aim to respond to information requests from researchers and stakeholders in data management at short notice.  The talks present current topics, offers and services at short intervals especially from NFDI consortia relating to research data and code management and provide a space to discuss them. In this way, offers are made known to researchers and other interested parties, and the exchange about existing offers and needs simultaneously strengthens networking with the NFDI.

At the beginning of a talk, invited experts provide input for about 30 to 40 minutes mostly in German language, followed by an opportunity for discussion and questions. The topics discussed currently include in particular the consortia of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) with their offerings. But also local and regional offers as well as general information and discussion about data management are addressed in the Data Talks.

Participation in the Data Talks of your choice is possible for the entire series of events after a one-time, free, automatic and immediate registration. Register on Redcap for the HeFDI Data Talks and join events of your choice.

Feel free to follow our Youtube channel, where we regularly publish recordings of Data Talk presentations. The presentation slides are published on Zenodo.

If you have suggestions or requests for topics, you are welcome to .

Program Overview

Summer Semester and Winter Semester 2024

05.04.2024, 11-12h RDM platform Coscine Katja Jansen, RWTH Aachen Presentation
Video recording
19.04.2024, 11-12h Jupyter Dr. Christian Berger, UMR Presentation
Video recording
03.05.2024, 11-12h (CANCELLED!) NFDIxCS Ulrike Lucke, Potsdam University
17.05.2024, 11-12h From Data Monopolies to Data Rights Dr. iur. Paweł Kamocki, Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache Presentation
Video recording
14.06.2024, 11-12h KonsortSWD Friederike Schlücker, KonsortSWD / LIfBi; Kati Mozygemba, FDZ Qualiservice/ Universität Bremen; Sebastian Netscher, KonsortSWD / GESIS Presentation

28.06.2024, 11-12h
12.07.2024, 11-12h NFDI4Culture: Task Area "Standards, Data Quality and Curation" Dr. Angela Kailus & Celia Krause
(UMR / Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte - Bildarchiv Foto Marburg (DDK))

06.09.2024, 11-12h BEXIS2 David Schöne, Friedrich Schiller University Jena Presentation

20.09.2024, 11-12h The right of data trustees Florian Möslein & Sebastian Omlor, UMR Presentation

15.11.2024, 11-12h NFDI4Chem Core Repositories and RADAR4Chem Kerstin Soltau & Dr. Christian Bonatto Minella (FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure)
29.11.2024, 11-12h PUNCH4NFDI Dr. Arman Khalatyan, PUNCH4NFDI AIP
13.12.2024, 11-12h Research Data Management in Computer Science (with NFDIxCS) Prof. Michael Goedicke, Universität Duisburg-Essen / paluno

Summer Semester 2023 and Winter Semester 2023/24

Data Talks Program Overview

Date Topic Speaker Materials
05.05.2023, 11-12h

Chemotion - An Introduction to an Open-Source ELN for FAIR Data

Dr. John Jolliffe, NFDI4Chem Presentation
Video recording
02.06.2023, 11-12h

HeFDI-Repositories - a service offer

Dr. Andreas Geißner, TUDa & Dr. Lydia Riedl, UMR Presentation
Video recording
30.06.2023, 11-12h

NFDI4Ing: Services and Offers

Mario Moser, RWTH Aachen

14.07.2023, 11-12h

From Research Data Management (RDM) to Reproducible Research Management (RRM) with AI

Dr. Wolfgang Stille, HessianAI Presentation

08.09.2023, 11-12h

RDM at Universities of Applied Sciences - Awareness, Activities and Demands

Robert Werth, FRA-UAS Presentation
Video recording
22.09.2023, 11-12h

NFDI4Memory - A research data infrastructure for historically engaged disciplines

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmunk, h_da Presentation
Video recording
06.10.2023, 11-12h

Kadi4Mat - Karlsruhe Data Infrastructure for Materials Science

Dr.-Ing. Michael Selzer, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Presentation
Video recording
20.10.2023, 11-12h

Long term archiving of research data

Dr. Elena Hamidy, JLU Gießen

03.11.2023, 11-12h

The NFDI4Earth (National Research Data Infrastructure for the Earth System Sciences): conception, execution & examples

PD Dr. Dominik Hezel, GUF & Tamanna, GUF Presentation
Video recording
17.11.2023, 11-12h

Electronic Laboratory Notebooks - An Introduction Using the Example of eLabFTW

Dr. Björn Trebels, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen & Hüseyin Uzun, Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Video recording
01.12.2023, 11-12h


Dr. Michael Vockenhuber, SYNMIKRO, Philipps-Universität Marburg Presentation
Video recording
15.12.2023, 11-12h

UpdateFDM: A capability maturity model for evaluating the institutional RDM portfolio

Dr. Denise Jäckel, FDNext Presentation

26.01.2024, 11-12h

Research Data Management in Third-Party Funding Applications - DFG Requirements

Dr. Ortrun Brand, HeFDI/UMR Presentation
Video recording
09.02.2024, 11-12h


Charlotte Neidiger, KIT-Bibliothek (re3data editorial team) Presentation
Video recording
23.02.2024, 11-12h
(RESCHEDULED to 17.05.2024)

Data access for research - a data utopia?

Stefanie Fuchsloch, NFDI Presentation
Video recording
08.03.2024, 11-12h

Teaching materials on RDM - The HeFDI self-learning unit

Dr. Ortrun Brand, HeFDI/ UMR Presentation

22.03.2024, 11-12h

Inventorying, standardizing, making available - on the digitization of university collections

Alexander Maul, Stab FDM/ UMR Presentation

Winter Semester 2022/2023 

Data Talks Program Overview

Date Topic Speaker Materials
07.10.2022, 11-12h

Hochleistungsrechnen (HPC) - für wen und wie eignet sich HPC in der Forschung?

Dr. Thorsten Reimann, Hessisches Kompetenzzentrum für Hochleistungsrechnen (HKHLR)/TU Darmstadt Presentation

21.10.2022, 11-12h

Lehren aus Open (Government) Data für Open Science

Dr. Henriette Litta, Open Knowledge Foundation Presentation
Video recording
04.11.2022, 11-12h

ausgefallen: BERD@NFDI - Business, Economics and related Data

Dr. Ulrich Krieger, Universitätsbibliothek Universität Mannheim / BERD@NFDI
18.11.2022, 11-12h

DAPHNE4NFDI - NFDI-Konsortium "DAta from PHoton and Neutron Experiments"

Lisa Amelung, DESY Hamburg Presentation

02.12.2022, 11-12h

MaRDI4NFDI - Mathematical Research Data Initiative

Tabea Bacher, MaRDI / MPI MiS Presentation
Video recording
16.12.2022, 11-12h

FDM in Forschungsanträgen - die Anforderungen der DFG

Dr. Ortrun Brand, HeFDI/UMR
27.01.2023, 11-12h

Data Stewards

Dr. Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi, TU Graz Presentation
Video recording
10.02.2023, 11-12h

eLabFTW - Overview and new features

Nicolas Carpi, main developer of eLabFTW
Video recording
24.02.2023, 11-12h

Sustainable research software with software management plans

Dr. Yves Grossmann, Max PLanck Digital Library Presentation
Video recording
24.03.2023, 11-12h

HeFDI self learning-unit on research data management

Robert Werth, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, HeFDI RDM Officer Presentation
Video recording

Summer Semester 2022 (Overview)

Data Talks Program Overview

Date Topic Speaker Materials
20.05.2022, 11-12h

FDM in Forschungsanträgen - die Anforderungen der DFG

Dr. Ortrun Brand, Coordinator HeFDI / Philipps University Marburg
03.06.2022, 11-12h

eLabFTW - Einführung in ein elektronisches Laborbuch

Dr. Björn Trebels, Technical University of Central Hesse Presentation

01.07.2022, 11-12h

Forschungsdatenmanagement, Metadaten und Werkzeuge in Sonderforschungsbereichen/Transregios

Dr. Matthias Grönewald, TU Darmstadt Presentation

09.09.2022, 11-12h

Linked? Open? Data bei Foto Marburg

Christoph Glorius, Photo Archive Foto Marburg / German Documentation Center for Art History Presentation

23.09.2022, 11-12h


Dr. Kathryn Dumschott, IBG4 am Forschungszentrum Jülich Presentation

Winter Semester 2021/2022 

Data Talks Program Overview

Date Topic Speaker Materials
10.09.2021, 11-12h

NFDI4Culture - Impact and Services

Sarah Pittroff, Coordination Office NFDI4Culture Presentation

05.11.2021, 11-12h

Datenschutzkonzepte in der Forschung

Nina Raschke, Head of the Data Privacy Unit at Philipps-Universität Marburg Presentation

19.11.2021, 11-12h

Lizensierung von Forschungsdaten?

Fabian Rack, FIZ Karlsruhe, iRights.Law Berlin Presentation

03.12.2021, 11-12h

NFDI4Chem - digitising research workflows in chemistry

Dr. Nicole Jung, KIT Karlsruhe; Dr. John Joliffe, JGU Mainz Presentation

17.12.2021, 11-12h

de.NBI - German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure

Prof. Dr. Alexander Goesmann, JLU Gießen Presentation

14.01.2022, 11-12h

NFDI4Health - Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für personenbezogene Gesundheitsdaten

Prof. Dr. Carsten-Oliver Schmidt, University of Greifswald Presentation

11.02.2022, 11-12h

NFDI4Biodiversity - Biodiversity, Ecology and Environmental Data

Prof. Dr. Frank Oliver Glöckner, University of Bremen, AWI Bremerhaven, GFBio e.V. Presentation

25.02.2022, 11-12h

Qualitative Daten teilen und sekundär nutzen - FDZ Qualiservice und der Verbund QualidataNet

Dr. Kati Mozygemba, University of Bremen Presentation

11.03.2022, 11-12h

XML-Workshop: Praktische Einführung in XML und Metadatenschemata

Andre M. Pietsch, Justus Liebig University Giessen Presentation

Cooperation Partners