24.01.2023 HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, February 24, 2023: 11-12h: Sustainable research software with software management plans (GER)

If you are developing or planning to develop your own software as part of your research, research data management plans can support you in the development process, but also in a possible software publication. Dr. Yves Grossmann from the Max Planck Digital Library presents a newly developed questionnaire for the Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) to support researchers in those endeavours.

Video: Hessian Research Data Infrastructures (HeFDI), License: CC BY 4.0, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gWM_ezne5U

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The presentation slides are published here: https://zenodo.org/records/7736092

The online event is free of charge; click here to register. With the registration you will receive the access data, which are valid for all talks of our bi-weekly series. The talk will be held in German.

Software is increasingly valued as a scientific publication and an independent achievement. With the FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS), similar principles to those for research data have been in place since summer 2022. At the same time, the handling and appreciation of research software is not (yet) as developed as for text publications. With their self-developed questionnaire for the Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO), Max Planck Digital Library supports this process and offer a new service mode. The target group of the RDMO questionnaire "Software Management Plan for Researchers" are scientists who are not research software engineers or who have not completed an IT degree. At the same time, this questionnaire is an aid for self-taught scientists who (have to) develop software themselves. The overall goal of this service is to make implicit knowledge explicit. By means of predefined questions with help texts, scientists are supported in managing their emerging research software comprehensively, but also in a time-saving way.

At the HeFDI Data Talk on February 24, Dr. Yves Grossmann from the Max Planck Digital Library will present this new questionnaire and its practical usefulness when developing one's own research software. Afterwards, as always, there will be an opportunity for discussion.

The HeFDI Data Talks are a virtual event series on current topics in data management, which takes place every two weeks on Fridays from 11-12h. Click here for the program overview.


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