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HeFDI Data OER – Learning Unit

Digitalization is also increasingly changing university teaching. Traditional face-to-face courses are increasingly being supplemented by hybrid or fully online formats and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). This is also the starting point for the HeFDI Data Learning Materials offering, as part of which the study unit "Research data management - an online introduction" was developed. It is aimed at students, doctoral candidates and researchers who are looking for an initial, easy-to-understand introduction to RDM.
In addition to an introduction to the most important terms and topics, it focuses on:
- data management plans
- the implementation of the FAIR principles
- aspects of data quality
- data organization
- data storage
- archiving
- data publication
- legal aspects
It has a modular structure and can therefore be used both as a whole and in a targeted manner to build up skills. The content is conveyed in multimedia form via text passages, tables, images, graphics and videos. Summarizing PDFs as handouts and test questions for each chapter round off the offer. This enables to study independent of time and place.
The study unit can also be used as an online course to acquire microcredentials. In addition, the materials can be integrated into existing courses and can also be used in blended learning scenarios (such as flipped classroom etc.). The implementation on the common learning platforms Moodle and Ilias guarantees a wide distribution within and outside Hessen. The study unit is implemented at all HEFDI universities.
The import files for Moodle and Ilias as well as comprehensive documentation materials are published as Open Educational Resources and OER Späti of the HessenHub.
With the learning unit developed in HeFDI, RDM can be easily integrated into university teaching, data literacy can be taught and the data stewards of tomorrow can be trained at an early stage.