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HeFDI Data Policies

All HeFDI universities have developed and adopted local guidelines and policies for handling research data.
This was already done in the first project phase. In the second project phase, many HeFDI universities updated their policies in this regard and reviewed their implementation. Furthermore, some locations succeeded in integrating the obligation to publish research data into doctoral degree regulations. In addition, this has provided impetus to initiate policies and guidelines in other, related areas as a clear orientation, for example on open science and currently also on artificial intelligence.
HeFDI flyer on data management plans (in German)
Local policies for handling research data
- Policy of Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
- Policy of Goethe University Frankfurt
- Policy of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
- Policy of Fulda University of Applied Sciences
- Policy of Hochschule Geisenheim University
- Policy of Hochschule RheinMain
- Policy of Justus Liebig University Giessen
- Policy of University of Marburg
- Policy of Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
- Policy of Technical University of Darmstadt
- Policy of University of Kassel