The HeFDI federal state initiative offers various technical services and infrastructures that all sites jointly develop, coordinate and offer in different forms of operation - depending on what is best suited for which service. Here is an overview of the services currently offered and how to access them. This also includes related services developed by other collaborative projects in Hesse.
HeFDI Data Management Plans – RDMO The open source software Research Data Management Organizer (RDMO) has established itself in Germany as the de facto standard for the creation of DMPs and is widely supported at research institutions and within the framework of the NFDI. You can find more information here.
HeFDI Data Repositories – Institutional Data Repositories Researchers at Hessian universities are therefore given the opportunity to store this research data via a web-based user interface in specialized systems (repositories), which store the data in a structured and long-term manner and make it available to other researchers and the public on request. You can find more information here.
HeFDI Jupyter At some HeFDI universities, individual services for JupyterHub have already been established, as interactive computing easily and sustainably supports the traceable processing of research data and code.
HeFDI Data ELN – Electronic Lab Notebooks Lab notebooks are a fundamental component in life and natural sciences, and currently the demand for permanent services to electronic laboratory notebooks (ELNs) or tools for structured data acquisition is increasing significantly. You can find more information here.
HeFDI Data ELN – ELN Finder The ELN Finder helps you to search and select a suitable Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) for your purposes. Find the best suitable option for your resarch with the ELN Finder here.
HeFDI Data Versioning – GitLab Services For good traceability and replicability of research data, Git is essential as a tool and offering. Here you will find an overview of which universities already offer GitLab services.
High Performance Computing (HPC) Depending on the discipline and research approach, high computing capacities are needed to adequately process research data. To meet this need, the computing capacities of four universities are bundled in the Hessian Competence Center for High-Performance Computing (HKHLR). You can find more information here.
Sync & Share Services – Hessenbox & Nextcloud In a collaborative Hesse-wide project, the Hessian universities have established the Sync&Share service Hessenbox. You can find more information here.