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HeFDI Jupyter

At some HeFDI universities, individual services for JupyterHub have already been established, as interactive computing easily and sustainably supports the traceable processing of research data and code.
JupyterHub is a web service providing so-called Jupyter notebooks, web-based documents that allow a combination of text, executable code and output or visualisation of the results. In research data management, such notebooks can be used to document and automate work steps controlled by code, such as data collection or analysis. Jupyter Notebooks thus strengthen the traceability and reproducibility of the code and enable collaborative work or use within teaching.
Training offerings have also been developed for this purpose (cf. Berger 2024). At the same time, a basic Jupyter4NFDI service is being developed.
Your local JupyterHub offerings
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen University of Marburg
The University of Marburg is currently offering a research JupyterHub, running on a high-perfomance computing cluster (MaRC3). It acts as a graphical user interface to the cluster and enables an easy access for results evaluation, testing and development. Additionally, a visualisation service for the Jupyter notebook files is available.
All information regarding Jupyter and JupyterHub can be found on the Jupyter service website of the University of Marburg.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Technical University of Darmstadt
JupyterHub is currently in test mode at the Technical University of Darmstadt and is not an established service.
If you are interested in a test, you can find further information and a contact option here: