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Central User Account for Guest auditors

With the granting of a guest auditor's license, each guest auditor receives a central user account without further application. The handling is essentially the same as for a student account.

The scope of services is limited for legal and technical reasons (e.g. no VPN, no Marvin login).

Target group

Guest auditors according to § 61 Abs. 3 HessHG (2021)


Application for a guest auditor's license


You can make various changes yourself using different web forms:

  • Support and help

    For more information on guest auditors and how to contact them, see

    Student assistants advise you on technical questions in the PC rooms and the University Library in the city, or at the IT service desk of the University Computer Center, see contact points.

    You can reach the IT Service Desk by phone at the hotline +49 6421 28-28282, or by e-mail at . Please indicate your account and the subject in the subject line when making inquiries.

  • Worth knowing

    Guest auditor accounts for the expired semester are automatically renewed when a guest auditor license is issued for the following semester; it is not necessary to register again at the University Computer Center. Instead of a matriculation number, a guest auditor receives the guest auditor number, which he or she must also provide when the username is requested for the first time.

    If the account is needed for attending courses, the guest auditor's account must be applied for early.

    Restrictions of the guest auditor account exist regarding the possibility to use LAN and VPN accesses of the university. WIFI access is available since end of May 2022.