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ILIAS Account for external Course Participants

External persons participating in courses of the University of Marburg can apply for an ILIAS account via their course instructor under certain conditions.

The scope of services includes only the login to the learning platform ILIAS, the use of the Windows PCs in the PC rooms and libraries, and WIFI access.

Target group

Access to regular course offerings:

Access to special course offerings (only upon request):

  • External course participants

Alternatively, see also: ILIAS-Support: Arbeitsgruppen mit externen Beteiligten [German].


Application by the course instructor.

Former students or persons in final examinations are not granted access to regular courses. They must continue to enrol as students or apply as  guest auditors in order to get access.

Application procedure

Your course instructor can apply for an ILIAS account for you as follows:

As a course instructor, please ask for ILIAS accounts via e-mail at . You will then receive an Excel spreadsheet in which you have to enter your own contact data as well as the names, dates of birth and e-mail addresses of the external participants who need an account. The date of birth is mandatory for later activation of the account.

The table is then processed by the University Computer Center and the link to the activation is sent to the participants by e-mail. Each participant receives a personal student account for one semester, but the scope of services is limited to ILIAS and PC-Pools.


You can make various changes yourself via web forms: