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Copiers for Students
To Print, Copy and Scan in libraries and in publicly accessible areas of the University you can use copiers in Mixed Mode up to DIN-A3, in Black and White or Color, double-paged und mitsingle sheet feed).
These copiers can be used with your Ucard (cashless payment system of the Studierendenwerk Marburg). The costs for using the copiers can be paid with the balance on your Ucard.
Requirements for students and guests
- Ucard des Studentenwerk Marburg
- Central User Account for Students or for Certificate Course Participants
To use Scan-to-Mail your E-Mail-Address needs to be connected to your Ucard
Your benefit
- You can copy, print and scan in:
- Libraries
- Publicly available areas of the University
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You can contact the technical service for the copiers via email or by phone at 0800/4920492.
Please be sure to state this in case of fault messages:- Host name of the photocopier (on the sticker beginning with korz)
- Copier model
- Phone number for queries
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