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Instructions for setting up Data Backup
This guide covers backing up local hard drives using IBM Spectrum Protect software.
Download and install the software
If your computer is maintained by the University Computer Center, please have your IT administrator install the OPSI package IBM Spectrum Protect (minimum requirement is Windows 10). To do so, send an informal e-mail to and add the name of the Backup server (ISPSRV4?), which was communicated to you in the confirmation e-mail
If your computer is not maintained by the University Computer Center, you must install the client software yourself. Please always use the current version of the software, which you can download from the ftp-server of the University of Marburg. Save the exe-file on your computer and execute it as administrator. Please also execute the file spinstall.exe in the unpacked directory as administrator. Find detailed installation instructions on the documentation pages of IBM.
You can enter the login and configuration data, which you received by e-mail directly into the configuration file or use the graphical interface. In Windows, the configuration file dsm.opt is located in the directory by default \(\verb|C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient|\).
Automatic Backup
For automatic backup, you must configure the services dsmcad.exe and dsmsvc.exe. Proceed as follows.Open a PowerShell as administrator.Change to the directory \(\verb|C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient|\)
# cd C:\"Program Files"\Tivoli\TSM\baclient
Now enter the following commands one after the other:
# .\dsmcutil list
(No services should be listed here. If there are services listed, do not continue but send an e-mail with the issue to
# .\dsmcutil install scheduler /name:"ISP Scheduler" /node:<Knotenname aus E-Mail> /password:<Passwort> /startnow:no
# .\dsmcutil install cad /name:"ISP Client Acceptor" /node:<Knotenname aus E-Mail> /password:<Passwort> /autostart:yes /startnow:no
# .\dsmcutil update cad /name:"ISP Client Acceptor" /cadschedname:"ISP Scheduler"
# .\dsmcutil start /name:"ISP Client Acceptor"
Use the following commands to view the status and configuration of the services you just set up:
# .\dsmcutil query /name:"ISP Client Acceptor"
# .\dsmcutil query /name:"ISP Scheduler"
If you encounter problems, please send the output of the twocommands above to with a short description of the problem.
For the automatic backup to work, you must enable port 1552 in the Windows firewall for external access or add the program %ProgramFiles%\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmcad.exe as New Rule to the list of Incoming Rules (recommended).