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PC Pools
PC usage
The University Computer Center operates public PC pools at various university locations, which can be used with a Central User Account or a Workstation Account.
It is possible to lock the desktop in use for a short break - usually 30 min. Deviating pause times are displayed on the login and lock screens of the PCs, as well as in the message windows. After the pause time has expired, it is possible to log in with a different account. After 45 min., an automated logout is performed.
PC rooms and libraries are generally open to all students and staff for individual use.
Classrooms also have a demo PC with beamer and can be reserved for courses via Marvin. If there is no reservation, classrooms can be used for individual work.
Software offer
Find an overview of which software is installed in which PC pool. This page is only accessible from the university network.
Target group
Students, employees, authorized guests
To log on to the PCs a Central User Account (Uni Account) or Workstation Account is required.
Location overview
You will find a detailed table with information on the individual PC pools on the German-language website.
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The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science operates its own PC pools on the Lahnberge. These can only be used with an account of FB12.