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Version control with GitLab
The GitLab version control service of Philipps-University Marburg is based on the distributed version control system Git and enables a versioned storage and management of data. Furthermore, it is ideal for software development and the work on research data (active research-data management). Especially collaborative work can be carried out easily using GitLab. In addition, GitLab supports working in groups and in projects, e.g. through project-specific wikis, issue tracking (ticketing systems), or Kanban boards, and also offers tools for quality assurance of code and data (continuous integration). GitLab pages offers the possibility to create an appealing presentation of project and their results directly via GitLab. GitLab is a trademark of GitLab Inc. in the United States and other countries and regions.
Target group
Students, staff
Central user account (university account)
Manuals, specific instructions, and a FAQ section can be found directly in GitLab.
Video series (German, Youtube)
- Git/GitLab - Introduction to Git
- Git/GitLab - Collaborative working
- Git/GitLab - GUI
- Git/GitLab - SSH
The GitLab service is in production since May 2022.
Requesting groups
We offer to create self-organized groups in GitLab, to provide a flexible management of research groups and lectures in GitLab
To successfully setup a group for a user, the user has to log in once before requesting the group.
Every user has a quota of 10 GB and is allowed to create up to 100 personal projects. For research groups specific groups are created within GitLab with a quota of 50 GB. An extension of the available storage can be done the same way as for the file service of the HRZ.
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If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Worth knowing
- Based on the open-source software GitLab
- Web-based version management of text files (e.g. source code, LaTeX, Markdown) as well as research data with a wide range of functionalities to support development and research processes
- Visualization of a broad range of diagram dialects (BlockDiag, BPMN, Bytefield, SeqDiag, ActDiag, NwDiag, PacketDiag, RackDiag, C4 with PlantUML, D2, DBML, Ditaa, Erd, Excalidraw, GraphViz, Mermaid️, Nomnoml, Pikchr, PlantUML, Structurizr, Svgbob️, Symbolator, TikZ, UMlet, Vega, Vega-Lite, WaveDrom, WireViz)
- Support for large file management through the Git Large File Storage (Git LFS) extension
- Support of the "Merge/Pull Request Workflow"
- Configuration of Continuous Integration per project
- Creation of static websites by GitLab Pages
- GitLab Pages is not competing against other existing central services of Philipps-Universität (e.g. ILIAS, the CMS or Marvin)
- Connection to central user management and authentification with Shibboleth
- Central monitoring, failover, and backup by the HRZ
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