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Former Staff Members of the ICWC
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Managing directors
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Research associates
Dr. Dirk Stolper
Dissertation project "Eichmann's Lawyer. Impact and Perceptions of Robert Servatius (1894-1983)" (working title)
Taxiarchis Fiskatoris (PhD)
Dissertation project "International criminal law, peacekeeping law, international history, international criminology and, in particular, the points of contact and overlaps between these disciplines"
Dr. Christian Pöpken
Dissertation project "The Significance of the Supreme Court for the British Zone (OGH) for the Persecution of International Crimes Committed During National Socialist Rule" (German)
Axel Fischer, M.A.
DFG Project "The U.S. American Film Project on the Nuremberg Trial of the Major War Criminals: A Contribution to Post-War Political Culture in Germany" (German)
Dr. Christina Ullrich
DFG Project "Unequal Victims - Recognition Processes after Genocidal Mass Violence. A Comparison of Germany, Rwanda and Cambodia" (German)
Research focus: transitional justice with a focus on victim research, Nazi crimes and Federal Republic society, national socialismresponsible at the ICWC in particular for the coordination of teaching
Daniel Bonnard, M.A.
Dissertation project "War Crimes Trials in the French Occupation Zone in Germany (1946-1953)" (German)
Dr. Elisa Marie Hoven
DAAD Project "Victims at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal - The Impact of the ECCC Proceedings on Victims in Cambodia" (German)
Dr. Alena Hartwig-Asteroth
Dr. Lars Büngener
Dr. Antonio Esposito, LL.M.
Dr. Katrin Hassel
Dr. Albrecht Kirschner
Yvonne Koberg, LL.M.
Dr. Dominik Pfeiffer, Dipl.-Soz.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Student assistants
Carolin Büchter
Marie Schiffter
Natalie Fanasch
Astrid Walter
Maria Bülte
Annika Nawrocki
Sera Ria Gomes
Friederike Drews
Muriel Imhof
Johanna Salomon
Thomas Szymczyk
Leif Henke
Jessica BoglowskaJustine Bitam
Michelle Tredup
Paco Pawolleck
Leonie Disselkamp
Miriam Gandras
Destiny Faye Ibarra
Alexander Benz
Linn-Sophie Löber
Sophie Früchtenicht
Lara Höhne
Ronja Seggelke
Milena Hardt
Alexander Cramer
Josephine Kaufmann
Leonard Wolckenhaar
Gilles Arcas
Lisa Hannappel
Marten Krauss
Ulrika Mientus
Tobias Römer
Simon Sträter
Mira Hellmich
Boris Polifka
Nicolai Bülte
Pauline Schmitt
Arne Betke
Felix Liedel
Hannah Peaceman
Sabrina Manteuffel
Sascha Hörmann
Philipp Graebke
Dominik Eichhorn
Sarah Antabi
Maren Glaßmeyer
Alexander Kloss
Marc Lau
Siming Lu
Gesa Lüken
Kathleen Rother
Philipp Schmidt
Marius Urbanik
Michael Urbschat
Judi Mionki
Mathilde Le Merle