26.03.2023 Visit from Cambodia: Marinet Kham and Kakada Ham as guests in Marburg

On March 23, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bock (ICWC), Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bonacker (ZfK), Dr. Henning de Vries (ICWC), and Alexander Benz (ICWC) met with Marinet Kham (Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia) and Kakada Ham (Royal University of Phnom Penh) to strengthen the cooperation of the two Cambodian universities with the Research and Documentation Center for War Crimes Trials as well as with the Center for Conflict Studies.
Marinet Kham and Kakada Ham are currently in Marburg for a week to participate in a teaching workshop as part of the ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility.
We thank you for a pleasant afternoon and the as-usual enriching exchange!
Dr. Henning de Vries