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ICWC Lecture Series on the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Trial

Poster Ringvorlesung WS 2015/16
For the 70th anniversary of the Trial of the Main War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, the International Research and Documentation Centre for War Crimes Trials (ICWC) at Philipps University Marburg organised a lecture series with renowned experts from various disciplines from all over Germany in the winter semester 2015/16.
The "Nuremberg" complex has long been a research focus of the ICWC. The director of the ICWC, Professor Dr. Eckart Conze, PD Dr. Ken Eckstein (Faculty of Law of the University of Marburg) and Dr. Wolfgang Form (managing director of the ICWC) were the initiators of the lecture series. The series of events was realized with the kind support of the Marburger Juristische Gesellschaft.