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Scholarships and funding opportunities for refugees

There are several ways for students with a refugee background to finance their studies at a German university or university of applied sciences. To obtain a suitable scholarship, we recommend that you devote ample time to searching for scholarships and preparing application documents.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen The Deutschlandstipendium
The nationwide Germany Scholarship program is awarded once a year. Enrolled students with a refugee background are also welcome to apply for this scholarship, as Philipps-Universität Marburg participates in the German Scholarship program.
Applications usually start in April, and the funding period always begins in the winter semester. The monthly amount of the Germany Scholarship is 300 EUR.
Individual questions about the application can be answered by the Fundraising and Alumni Service. There you will also find more detailed information about the award window and how to apply.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen German Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG)
The German Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz, BAföG) governs support for primary, secondary and postsecondary students and trainees in need. European Union citizens, migrants and refugees living in Germany can also receive BAFöG financial support during their studies or schooling.
The following students with a refugee background can apply for BAFöG support:
- Recognized persons who have been granted asylum;
- Recognized refugees under the Geneva Refugee Convention;
- Subsidiary beneficiaries of protection.
There is a special rule for refugees with suspended deportation status for BAFöG eligibility. If the asylum procedure has not yet been completed, no BAFöG application can be submitted.
More detailed information can be obtained from the contacts at the Marburg Student Union.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Political foundations and religious organizations
Political foundations and religious organizations also offer various scholarships and grants for students. The requirements and application deadlines may vary from organization to organization. To obtain this information, you will have to contact the applicable funding organization.
An overview of the various types of scholarships and funding opportunities for refugees as well as a listing of scholarship databases has been compiled by the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Hans Böckler Foundation
The Hans Böckler Foundation offers financial and non-material support through several scholarship programs aimed at students at different stages of their education. Applicants must be eligible for BAföG (according to § 8 para. 1-3 BAföG).
The scholarship for students is aimed at students who demonstrate above-average performance as well as trade union and/or socio-political commitment. Students with formal BAföG entitlement, European citizens, recognized asylum seekers and refugees with prospects of remaining in Germany in accordance with BAföG § 8 are eligible for funding. The scholarship for doctoral students supports doctoral students of all disciplines who are particularly academically qualified and committed to trade unions or socio-politics and who have been admitted to a state (recognized) university for doctoral studies.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Foundation of the German Economy
The Klaus Murmann Student Support Program of the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (Foundation of German Business) aims to support entrepreneurial thinking and action in a socially responsible manner. Support is provided for particularly high-achieving students and doctoral candidates who are entitled to BAföG (according to § 8 para. 1-3 BAföG).
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Study Foundation of the German People e.V.
The German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) is aimed at high-achieving students and doctoral candidates in all disciplines who are basically entitled to BAföG (according to § 8 para. 1-3 BAföG). In addition to the self-application with a selection test, applicants have the option of being nominated for a scholarship by their university or partner institution. Scholarship holders receive financial and non-material support.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen DAAD Scholarship programme for Master students from Sub-Saharan Africa
The Scholarship programme for Master students from Sub-Saharan Africa fleeing
the war in Ukraine is a subprogramme of the In-Country/In-Region Scholarship
programme. Scholarship holders are given the opportunity to continue
their academic career at a higher education institution in their home country or
within their home region1 (in Sub-Saharan-Africa).
You can find more information here.