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Marburg International Doctorate Conference and Research Grants for PhD Candidates
Application Deadline on February 20
20. February 2018 23:55
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As part of the DAAD-sponsored project “Marburg International Doctorate” the Philipps-Universität is awarding travel allowances to doctoral candidates in all departments for active participation in conferences abroad. Doctoral candidates in departments 02, 04, and 19 can apply for grants to conduct research stays abroad. Application deadline is 20 February 2018.
Please find further details here:

Dr. Peter Widmann, Project Coordinator
Tel.: +49 (0)6421-2826467
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Internationale Angelegenheiten und Familienservice/
International Office and Family Services
Deutschhausstr. 11+13, Zimmer/room 02.0030
D-35032 Marburg / Germany