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Study Program

Methods Courses:
In the first year, a mandatory course on “Good scientific practice” will take place. Starting at the end of the first year, practical methods courses will be offered to the doctoral candidates which aim at acquiring expertise in the current methods in Neuroscience (e.g., EEG, fMRI, eye tracking, motion tracking).
Soft skill courses:
Soft skill courses (e.g. scientific presentations, scientific writing) are continuously offered by the Graduate school centers of the Universities proding useful on-site training for the doctoral candidates of the IRTG.
Research Retreat:
We will have an annual one week research retreat, alternating between Canada and Germany. Topics and speakers will be selected based on suggestions from all members of the IRTG. This retreat should also provide a platform for intense discussion about research projects between the German and Canadian doctoral candidates and professors.
Please register according to information given in the details.
Also, specify with your registration that your are a member of the IRTG 1901.